‘The Resilience of Religion in American Higher Education’ Authors discuss new book about the diversity and strength of religion in academe -- as well as some of the tensions. By Scott Jaschik January 11, 2019 0 COMMENTS William F. Buckley Jr.'s 1951 book God and Man...
Universidade, culturas, valores: Alex Usher
View as Webpage Universities and Universal Values January 7th, 2019 - Alex Usher Morning all. Happy New Year. Welcome back. I’m in Southeast Asia this week taking in some sights. Travel in Asia always makes me think a lot about the ways in which different parts of...
Confianza, flexibilidad y autonomía: llaves para la educación superior del futuro
Confianza, flexibilidad y autonomía, las llaves que abren la educación superior al futuro Esos tres conceptos se repiten en las voces de nueve representantes de las más prestigiosas casas de estudios universitarias y técnicas chilenas al analizar las posibles vías de...
CALL FOR PAPERS: 2nd Biennial SOTL in the South Conference/Annual CUT SOTL Conference
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South (SOTL) in the South is an online open source and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to fostering dialogue and research on teaching and learning in higher education in the global South, or about the global South....
Congreso sobre Futuro del Empleo, Sevilla, España
La UNIA organiza unas jornadas para debatir la relación de los posgrados con el empleo 10 enero, 2019 por Teresa Fernández De la mano de la Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado (AUIP), la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía organiza del 22...
A propósito de liceos selectivos: la experiencia inglesa
Education researchers accused of anti-grammar school bias Academic experts have been wrong to dismiss the social mobility benefits of grammar schools as selective areas do better on university access, says Higher Education Policy Institute study January 10, 2019...
Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada (RELEC)
Llamado a presentar trabajos para el dossier temático correspondiente al Número 15 de la Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada (RELEC: www.saece.com.ar/relec) sobre el tema “El campo de la Educación Comparada: cuestiones metodológicas, disciplinarias e...
Ciencia y Humanidades
The New Science Wars Radical differences in the humanities and sciences haven’t gone away — they’ve intensified By Steven Klein DECEMBER 16, 2018 PREMIUM The relationship between the humanities and the sciences, including some quarters of the social sciences, has...
Investigación en ciencias ecológicas en chile y su financiamiento
jscientometres-7-3-189 Journal of Scientometric Res. 2018; 7(3):189-193 http://www.jscires.org Research Article Journal of Scientometric Research, Vol 7, Issue 3, Sep-Dec 2018 189 The Paradox of Enrichment in Chile’s Ecological Science Funding Jaime R. Rau1, Fabián...
Is US higher education in crisis?, Steven Brint
Is US higher education in crisis? Many observers perceive US higher education to be in trouble. They’re missing the big picture, says Steven Brint January 3, 2019 By Steven Brint Even those who are not immersed in the world of higher education are familiar with the...
Plagio e intimidación en la Universidad de Harvard
The REAL real Harvard scandal Len Gutkin, JANUARY 8, 2024 When the news broke that the political scientist Claudine...
Liceos emblemáticos
Columna de Sebastián Izquierdo: Liceos emblemáticos: ¿Democratización fallida? 09 de enero de 2024 Contrario a lo que...
PAES y las brechas: Intervenciones en debate
Lo que muestra la PAES 2023 de la educación chilena, según tres expertos Solo dos establecimientos municipales se...
CAE y las definiciones de educación superior
CAE y las definiciones de educación superior ulio Labraña, Director de Calidad Institucional Universidad de Tarapacá....