
Sobre investigación educacional y su uso

May 2020 | Volume 77 | Number 8 Learning and the Brain Pages 70-75 Issue Table of Contents | Read Article Abstract Education's Research Problem Daniel T. Willingham and Andrew J. Rotherham Educators and policymakers often ignore or distort scientific findings. Here's...

La ciencia de la enseñanza

 May 2020 | Volume 77 | Number 8 Learning and the Brain Pages 14-20 Issue Table of Contents | Read Article Abstract The Sciences of Teaching Carol Ann Tomlinson and David A. Sousa The fields of neuroscience and psychology, when paired, offer new insights on the...

Ciencias sociales en tiempos de la peste

GLOBAL A new approach to social sciences, humanities in a time of crisis Jess Auerbach and Nina Hall  07 May 2020 In the last month, the uncertainty and disruption that has impacted on the globe has been felt hard in academia, and the social sciences and humanities...

La pospandemia y su normalidad

Viernes 08 de mayo de 2020 La pospandemia y su normalidad "Será un mundo más conflictivo y desordenado, con mayor pobreza, presiones migratorias y turbulencias". José Joaquín Brunner Desde ya, parece claro que el horizonte pospandémico traerá consigo importantes...