Necesitamos más estudiantes en ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas José Pablo Arellano Marín: “ los estudiantes de 8º básico, un 48% declaró que no le gustan las matemáticas, y solo un 17% respondió que le gustaban. Es difícil aprender una materia...
Financiamiento de I&D en Finlandia
Will Finland’s big spending on R&D buy it the gift of growth? Nokia’s runaway success may have rung off a decade ago, but the Nordic nation hopes to dial up its tech prowess by increasing state investment in R&D by 80 per cent, putting the nation among the...
Papel de la IA en la prospectiva científica
LLMs outclass humans at predicting neuroscience results Nathan M Greenfield 10 December 2024 Large language models (LLMs) outscored neuroscientists by between 13 and 22 percentage points (81.4% to 63.4%) in predicting useful neuroscience experimental outcomes, says a...
La crisis de comunicación en las ciencias
Mapping (but not solving) the science communication crisis Philip G Altbach and Hans de Wit 11 December 2024 Scientific communication has never been more important – or more troubled. In an era of global science – the multinational scientific development of COVID-19...
Trump y la ciencia
Trump’s anti-science appointees ‘drive demonisation of scholars’ With vaccine sceptics taking top White House posts, there are concerns that attacks on scientists who counter misinformation may become more extreme Jack Grove,November 18, 2024 Researchers who have...
La larga sombra del origen socioeconómico en el estrellato de las ciencias
Inequality in Science: Who Becomes a Star? Anna Airoldi & Petra Moser Working Paper 33063 DOI 10.3386/w33063 Issue Date October 2024 How does a person’s childhood socioeconomic status (SES) influence their chances to participate and succeed in science? To...
Desde la disciplina a la interdisciplina
Lanzamiento del libro que con ese titulo se presentó hoy públicamente en la Universidad de Concepción, en El Centro de Recursos Hídricos para la Agricultura y la Minería (CRHIAM) está enfocado en resolver, desde una mirada multidisciplinaria, los diferentes problemas...
Uso de indicadores y rankings en la evaluación de la investigación académica
Stop using rankings to evaluate research, study recommends Wagdy Sawahel, 28 June 2024 A review of the literature on the use of university rankings in research evaluation and excellence initiatives points to an agreement that rankings should not be used in research...
Un siglo de Sabato y Ciencia, populismos y utopías
Un siglo de Sabato Mario Albornoz, lunes, 3 de junio de 2024 Hace cien años, un 4 de junio de 1924 nacía en Rojas, provincia de Buenos Aires, Jorge Alberto Sabato, uno de los pioneros del desarrollo tecnológico en América Latina. Era un hombre amable, de múltiples...
Entrevista a Daniel Kahneman. In memoriam
“Try to Design an Approach to Making a Judgment; Don’t Just Go Into It Trusting Your Intuition.” BY DANIEL KAHNEMAN, SARA FRUEH Kahneman, Daniel, and Sara Frueh. “Try to Design an Approach to Making a Judgment; Don’t Just Go Into It Trusting Your Intuition.” Issues in...
THE: World University Rankings 2025 – methodology
World University Rankings 2025: methodology We compile our World University Rankings from information supplied by...
Conversación R Dawkins y Chat GPT
Are you conscious? A conversation between Dawkins and ChatGPT RICHARD DAWKINS FEB 17, 2025 Is AI truly conscious, or...
THE RANKING – 2025: universidad del mundo
Rank Name Country/Region No. of FTE Students No. of students per staff International Students Female:Male Ratio 1...
Rector de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: financiación
El rector de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: “Necesitamos recibir, mínimo, el doble de financiación” La institución...