
Profesores e innovación en la sala de clase

educationtoday blog It is generally acknowledged that the quality of an educational system depends upon the quality of its teachers. Teachers are responsible for preparing young people to meet new challenges in a fast-changing world; and that is why innovation in...

Rediseñar la Universidad, Alex Usher (III)

DESIGNING A UNIVERSITY FROM SCRATCH (III) APRIL 6, 2018 | ALEX USHER If you’re just joining us, on Wednesday I briefly reviewed some of the key aspects of the Minerva model as detailed in the book yesterday’s entry, as detailed in the book Building the Intentional...

Rediseñar la Universidad, Alex Usher (II)

[space height="HEIGHT"] DESIGNING A UNIVERSITY FROM SCRATCH (II) APRIL 5, 2018 | ALEX USHER Following on from yesterday’s discussion of the Minerva model (you might want to refresh your memory by re-reading yesterday’s entry, as detailed in the book Building the...

Rediseñar la Universidad, Alex Usher (I)

DESIGNING A UNIVERSITY FROM SCRATCH (I) APRIL 4, 2018 | ALEX USHER I’ve recently been reading a fascinating book entitled Building the Intentional University: Minerva and the Future of Higher Education which essentially is an operating manual for the Minerva Schools...

Inauguración año académico UC Temuco

Presentación usada como base para la conferencia de inauguración del año académico de la Universidad Católica de Temuco sobre "Estado de la Educación Superior en el mundo: Claves para el desarrollo de las universidades regionales", dictada el día 26 de marzo de 2018....

Nuevas formas que adoptan los programas de Doctorado

SPECIAL REPORTS Rebranding the Ph.D. Criticized for producing graduates with few job prospects, doctoral programs are starting to reform By Vimal Patel MARCH 04, 2018  PREMIUM When Ashley Rose Young started a Ph.D. program in history, in 2010, she publicly proclaimed...

¿Revolución educacional de Macron?

Macron’s Education Revolution Mar 7, 2018 PHILIPPE AGHION ,  BENEDICTE BERNERFrench President Emmanuel Macron has drawn fire for his pro-growth economic reforms, which some critics have characterized as giveaways to corporations and the wealthy. But, when considered...