
Desafíos docentes durante la pandemia

COLUMN | COMMUNITY Students Are Struggling. They’re Asking Us to Slow Down and Focus on Relationships. By Kimberly Rues (Columnist)     Apr 5, 2021 A little more than a year ago, I remember sitting in meetings trying to figure out how we might do remote learning for a...

Preferencias segun género a los cinco años (OECD)

Gender norms are clearly evident at five years of age OECD Education and Skills, March 8, 2021 early childhood, education, gender, gender equality, gender gap By Rowena Phair Project Leader, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Gender equity will not be achieved...

Llamado de la Coalición sobre Covid-19

Llamado de la Coalición sobre Covid-19 - "Es urgente recuperar el aprendizaje y bienestar de los estudiantes" Mar 10  |  Coalición Latinoamericana para la Excelencia Docente For English, click here.El 2020 marcó la historia del sector educativo en América Latina y el...

Pobreza extrema y educación en USA

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Newsletter   A family of four living on $27,000 per year is, according to the federal government, not living in poverty. In fact, a family of four is defined by the government as living in poverty only when they earn at most $26,500....

Pandemia en educación: La Pintana / Las Condes

Brecha educacional se expande por pandemia: mientras en Las Condes no hubo alumnos afectados, en La Pintana la mitad perdió el año por Martín Baeza y Jorge Morales 18 febrero, 2021 En algunos colegios de la capital las condiciones son críticas. En la comuna de Pedro...

Libertad académica / descolonización del currículo

English minister’s academic freedom broadside ‘confects conflict’ Gavin Williamson’s call for OfS to ‘support individual academics’ in curriculum rows could ‘set up wall with university leadership’ February 15, 2021 John Morgan The education secretary’s call for the...

Visión educacional hacia la pospandemia

Education and the COVID-19 pandemic Sir John Daniel, 20 April 2020; PROSPECTS volume 49, pages91–96(2020) Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic is a huge challenge to education systems. This Viewpoint offers guidance to teachers, institutional heads, and officials on...