
Deserción en Chile: menor de la proclamada

 INTERESANTE estudio del MINEDUC a través del SIES que da cuenta de una manera más exacta de la deserción al completarse el primer año de estudios. La conclusión es sorprendente. Estábamos todos mal informados. En efecto, "hay un 30,6% de los alumnos de pregrado que...

Finlandia sin evaluación de profesores

¿Para qué cuando se tiene la fuerza laboral docente mejor educada del mundo? ------------------------------------------- "Es nefasto elegir a los profesores mediante exámenes Profesor universitario de Política Educativa Internacional defiende a ultranza la confianza...

Educación superior por competencias

Rise of Customized Learning March 5, 2013 - 3:00am By Paul Fain The credit hour is still higher education’s gold standard, even after President Obama’s vague endorsement last month of competency-based education and its focus on “performance and results” rather than...

Retornos a la educación terciaria en Chile

Heterogeneous Economic Returns to Postsecondary Degrees: Evidence from Chile Loreto Reyes, Jorge Rodríguez, Sergio S. Urzúa NBER Working Paper No. 18817 Issued in February 2013 NBER Program(s):   ED   LS We analyze the economic returns to different postsecondary...

Llamado a cambiar desde dentro la educación superior

Change From Within March 4, 2013 - 3:00am Paul Fain, Inside Higher Education, march 4, 2013 WASHINGTON – If higher education has a group of quintessential insiders, it’s probably the American Council on Education. Yet from a perch atop the higher education lobby’s...

Empleadores frente a los graduados en los EEUU

The Employment Mismatch A College Degree Sorts Job Applicants, but Employers Wish It Meant More Internships Make the Difference For some employers, on-the-job experience may matter more than a student's major or grade-point average. By Karin Fischer, The Chronicle of...

Nuevo Ranking del THE

The Paradox of University Rankings Posted on March 4, 2013 by Alex Usher   By the time you read this, the Times Higher Education’s annual Reputation Rankings will be out, and will be the subject of much discussion on Twitter and the Interwebs and such.  Much as I...