
¿Suprimir el pago de aranceles?

Governments need to think carefully about eliminating tuition fees The Labour Party in the UK, like the Democrats in the US, hopes to be elected on a policy of abolishing student fees. Roger Smyth draws on the experience of New Zealand to challenge the rationale for...

Estudiantes y las tribus disciplinarias

View as Webpage Best of-Student Stereotypes in Four Graphs October 11th, 2019 - Alex Usher A steady travel itinerary has limited Alex's writing time, so we present this "Best of," from 2012, drawing on HESA's CanEd Student Research Panel. While some findings might be...

Más formación general

Más formación general Señor Director: Don Arsenio Fernández Calatayud, gerente general de SNA Educa, en su carta del 1 de octubre responde a mi propuesta de aumentar las horas de formación general para los colegios de modalidad técnico-profesional, diciendo que...

Del adoctrinamiento a la censura educativa

Del adoctrinamiento a la censura educativa La derecha utiliza unos argumentos muy peligrosos para el sistema educativo, cuestionando no simplemente la libertad de cátedra sino la profesionalidad de los docentes María Luz Martínez Seijo es secretaria de Educación y...

Costo de las universidades: qué y cómo calcular

Managing Class Sizes (Part 1) September 18th, 2019 - Alex Usher One of the things that many people misunderstand about higher education is the way the economics of classrooms actually work; in particular about the relationship between enrolments, teaching complements,...