La competencia, la puerta de entrada en la universidad china El país es testigo de una expansión sin precedentes de la educación superior, que ha creado el sistema de estudios más grande del mundo JUAN JOSÉ PRIETO GUTIÉRREZ 30 ENE 2023 La educación superior en China...
Meritocracia versus habitus
Behind the elite university’s ‘visage of meritocracy’ Nathan M Greenfield 01 February 2023 ,Far from being bastions of intellectual inquiry and meritocracy, in both Britain and the United States elite universities reproduce the ethnic, racial and class divisions...
Vodolazkin: Historia rusa
AMERICA'S MOST INFLUENTIAL JOURNAL OF RELIGION AND PUBLIC LIFE AT LENIN'S TOMB by Eugene Vodolazkin, February 2022 History, to the modern mind, has a goal and follows the path of progress, so that new becomes identified with better. It was on this basis that,...
ChatGDP: reacciones desde el mundo universitario
Sciences Po bans ChatGPT amid HE quality, integrity fears Karen MacGregor 03 February 2023 Leading French grande école Sciences Po has banned the use of ChatGPT, the new chatbot capable of instantly writing essays, that has sparked consternation in higher education...
Deuda estudiantil: plan Biden
DECEMBER 8, 2022 | ALEX USHER The Politics of Student Loan Debt I am sure most of my readers are aware of the Biden Administration’s plans to forgive student loans. However, what may have gone under the radar is the way the current administration is staking a lot of...
Reino Unido: Contexto político y educación superior post-Brexit
Post-Brexit educational mobilities – What’s next? Rachel Brooks and Johanna Waters 21 January 2023 Following its departure from the European Union in 2020, the United Kingdom left the Erasmus+ programme, which funded international mobility for higher education...
Venezuela: Contexto político y universidades
Universities punished for defending democratic values Juan Carlos Navarro 21 January 2023 Venezuela has been in the headlines for quite some time, given a succession of several rather extreme events. Within a few years, more than six million migrants – out of a...
Europa: Contexto político y educación superior
Universities and elections: Democratic actors or reactors? Sjur Bergan 21 January 2023 When one explores the issue of universities and elections, as University World News does in this and its previous edition, one should ask at least three questions: are universities...
Contexto político global y educación superior
Higher education can reverse its democratic recession William G Tierney 21 January 2023 One need not be a linguist to acknowledge the fluidity of language. In 1977 Lewis B Mayhew, one of academe’s preeminent scholars of higher education, penned Legacy of the...
Sudáfrica: Corrupción en la educación superior
National task force for HE security after attack on university leader Edwin Naidu 14 January 2023 The apparent assassination attempt on one of South Africa’s top university leaders, in which his bodyguard was killed, has highlighted the threat of corruption that...
Conversación sobre educación y CAE
Sep 23 2024 José Joaquín Brunner y debate por CAE: “El Gobierno está consciente de que no es posible hacer una...
Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia en América Latina
Segundo Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia en América Latina Septiembre 2024 | Diálogo...
Brendan Cantwell y Alex Usher conversan sobre educación superior si Trump es elegido
The World of Higher Education SEPTEMBER 19, 2024 | ALEX USHER Watch on Youtube Listen to the Podcast Hi everyone. I'm...
Universidades holandesas: Paridad de género
Research universities attain gender parity in top leadership Liz Newmark 11 September 2024 Women today lead half of...