China’s tuition fee hikes ‘could foreshadow’ marketised HE system Beijing is ‘actively seeking to deter many young people from pursuing a degree’ to stem graduate unemployment, researcher says October 10, 2023 Pola Lem Jing Liu Universities across China are raising...
Imanol Ordorika, la disputa por la Rectoría de la UNAM
UNAM: cambiar o hacer lo mismo MANUEL GIL ANTÓN| 07/10/2023 |05:22 |Actualizada Una palabra recorre a la Universidad Nacional: estabilidad. Enuncia un valor que se considera supremo. Se afirma que es la tarea central de la persona que sea designada para ocupar la...
Irlanda: Evaluación externa de universidades
Ireland: Universities give monitoring system a cautious welcome John Walshe 29 September 2023 A new systems performance framework has been given a cautious welcome by Irish universities. It sets out performance objectives under each of the four pillars of the...
THE Ranking mundial de universidades 2024
US, UK universities lead ‘THE’ rankings but China rising A UWN Reporter 27 September 2023 The top of the latest Times Higher Education or THE World University Rankings, released on Wednesday 27 September, remains dominated by institutions in the United States and...
Atemnción: Politización de las universidades
Why so quiet? Opposing politicisation of HE is mandatory Philip G Altbach and Hans de Wit 30 September 2023 Perhaps not since the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1930s and the Soviet era in Russia and its satellites have we seen the kind of political pressures on...
Iliberalismo entre expresión y cancelación
A Taxonomy of Fear There is a pattern in the way speech is silenced. Understanding it can help us stand up to the illiberalism of this moment. EMILY YOFFE, 21 JUL 2020 We live in a time of personal timorousness and collective mercilessness. There might seem to be a...
Artes liberales e IA
Liberal arts universities in a ChatGPT era – How to adapt? Yojana Sharma 13 September 2023 A small liberal arts university in Asia appears an unlikely place for an engineering professor and data scientist. But Joe Qin, who took over as president of Lingnan University...
Gran Bretaña: ¿Cuál es el costo de la educación superior?
Does anyone know what England’s higher education system costs? As arguments for cost sharing in England advance, questions linger over what September changes mean for government-graduate balance John Morgan,September 19, 2023 New students starting at English...
¿Quién es la UNAM?
¿Quién es la UNAM? El cambio ordenado, democrático en sus haceres y prácticas, es el rumbo de la UNAM, y no la conservación del estatus quo de grupos de poder MANUEL GIL ANTÓN| 28/10/2023 |02:43 |Actualizada El proceso de renovación de la rectoría de la Universidad...
IA – Cómo controlarla en sociedades abiertas
Containing AI In Open Societies Both centralized giants and distributed tribes need checks and balances in the coming wave of innovation. NATHAN GARDELS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Andrei Cojocaru for Noema Magazine Mustafa Suleyman, a co-founder of DeepMind and former vice...
Cumbre latinoamericana de educación superio
Cumbre latinoamericana de educación superior en la UNCUYO Diecinueve especialistas que conforman el Grupo Cartagena se...
Remuneraciones académicas, entrevista con Matilde Burgos
Exministro Brunner por salario de $17 millones de Marcela Cubillos: “Es un sueldo que se ve poco en la realidad...
Entrevista con Alejandro Repenning
Con José Joaquín Brunner conversamos sobre el CAE y más! Ver/escuchar aquí
Conversación sobre educación y CAE
Sep 23 2024 José Joaquín Brunner y debate por CAE: “El Gobierno está consciente de que no es posible hacer una...