
¿El valor de la educación o su mera utilidad?

Columnistas Domingo 13 de agosto de 2017 ¿El valor de la educación o su mera utilidad? "La educación se desplaza así desde el eje del alma interior y la examinación de sí mismo, conducente al cultivo de virtudes humanas superiores vinculadas a la libertad, hacia la...

Trumpismo y la academia de los EEUU

The Academic Home of Trumpism By Jon Baskin MARCH 17, 2017 I arrived on the Claremont campus in search of the Straussians, but for the first hour all I could find were feminists. It was just before noon, and I was at the Motley, a student-run coffee shop and study...

La endogamia universitaria En España

La endogamia universitaria Se está estructurando un sistema claramente clientelar de reclutamiento del profesorado JOSÉ LUIS DÍEZ RIPOLLÉS, catedrático de derecho penal. 18 ENE 2017 - 19:48 CET Si la endogamia universitaria merece ser calificada de corrupción,...

Trump y la academia: dos culturas en contratse

A Humbling of Higher Ed By Jack Stripling NOVEMBER 11, 2016 PREMIUM The elites. The know-it-alls. The pointy-headed people. The safe-spacers and the trigger-warners. The politically correct. Named and unnamed, these became the targets of the presidential campaign of...

La academia es progre en los EEUU

Evidence of 'Liberal Academe' Study of public voter registration data shows that Democrats outnumber Republicans among social scientists, 11.5 to one. Does it matter? By Colleen Flaherty Inside HigherED, October 3, 2016 ECON JOURNAL WATCH Registered voter ratios,...

Boletín International Higher Education

International Higher Education No 85: Spring 2016 Table of Contents http://ejournals.bc.edu/ojs/index.php/ihe/issue/view/920 Full Issue -------- Number 85: Spring 2016 International Issues -------- What Is the “Special Sauce” for University Innovation? (2-3) Philip G...

El colapso de la mente académica

El colapso de la mente académica La confrontación de ideas empiezan a verse limitadas en el mundo universitario   CHRIS PATTEN, El País, 6 MAR 2016 - 00:14 CET Apostaría que he sido rector de más universidades que cualquier otra persona viva en la actualidad. Eso...

Medidas de productividad académica

  SPECIAL REPORTS Productivity Metrics What is the best way to assess faculty activity? By Vimal Patel  FEBRUARY 29, 2016   Questions about faculty productivity are nothing new. But the growing use of metrics to assess faculty activity has raised the stakes...

¿Carga excesiva de trabajo del académicos?

Workload survival guide for academics  Advice on how to cope with all the work and when to say no to opportunities Times Higher Education, February 18, 2016  Of the academics contributing to this year’s Times Higher Education University Workplace Survey, more than...