
Crisis humanitarias y educación

La educación no puede parar En el mundo, 222 millones de niños y adolescentes que viven afectados por crisis humanitarias no tienen acceso a una educación adecuada. Priorizar la cobertura de sus necesidades básicas debe incluir a la educación PILAR ORENES 24 ENE 2023...

Meritocracia versus habitus

Behind the elite university’s ‘visage of meritocracy’ Nathan M Greenfield  01 February 2023 ,Far from being bastions of intellectual inquiry and meritocracy, in both Britain and the United States elite universities reproduce the ethnic, racial and class divisions...

Vodolazkin: Historia rusa

AMERICA'S MOST INFLUENTIAL JOURNAL OF RELIGION AND  PUBLIC LIFE   AT LENIN'S TOMB by Eugene Vodolazkin, February 2022 History, to the modern mind, has a goal and follows the path of progress, so that new becomes identified with better. It was on this basis that,...

Deuda estudiantil: plan Biden

DECEMBER 8, 2022 | ALEX USHER The Politics of Student Loan Debt I am sure most of my readers are aware of the Biden Administration’s plans to forgive student loans. However, what may have gone under the radar is the way the current administration is staking a lot of...