
Educación superior en India

Realism about Indian Higher Education Philip G. Altbach Abstract Indian higher education is open- ing to the world, but there are many aspects of the world’s second largest system that need to be understood by the global community. A stress on expansion has prevented...

Domingo 7

Domingo 7 "Se pone en evidencia el desacople existente entre la esfera política y la sociedad civil". José Joaquín  Brunner Viernes 05 de mayo de 2023 La incertidumbre reinante respecto de los resultados electorales del domingo pone en evidencia el desacople existente...

IA y colonialismo de datos

AI as colonial knowledge production: The resistance begins here Nick Couldry  11 April 2023 In recent months, both the tech press and general media have been full of hype about artificial intelligence (AI), and specifically ChatGPT and rival advanced AI programmes....