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Algunas noticias ofrecidas por GUNI
Helping to reconstruct the University System in Haiti by the CRUE
As one of the devastating consequences of the earthquake that shook the Republic of Haiti in January 2010, the three main universities of Port-au-Prince practically disappeared. Being moved by this event, the General Assembly of the Rector’s Conference of Spanish Universities (CRUE, by its initials in Spanish) has approved a cooperation plan for the reconstruction of Haiti’s university system.
The plan, is result of a cooperation between the CRUE, the government of Haiti, the Spanish Association for the International Development Cooperation (AECID, by its initials in Spanish) and the Higher Normal School of the State University of Haiti (UEH, by its initials in French) This project is divided in different stages. The first one is to provide 70 scholarships to students that are about to graduate. The second one is a program aimed at libraries with a particular focus on virtual libraries. The third is to ameliorate the training of professors at different levels (junior high school, primary schools and child education system) and last but not least a bank account has been habilitated in order to receive funds targeted to this project.
In addition to these actions, the program will be carried out through other programs related to the reorganization and improvement of the university management and university research in the considered strategic areas and projects related to water and sanitation
The General Assembly of the Rector’s Conference of Spanish Universities web site can be found at:
The EUA nominates candidates for new President and Board
The final elections for President and Board will take place at the EUA Annual Conference in Aarhus on April, 14th, 2011 Yet, the official nominated candidates are Professors Lauritz Holm-Nielsen (Denmark) and Maria Helena Nazaré (Portugal)
Both nominations were approved by the EUA Council at a meeting in Brussels on January, 28th The successful candidate will become President-elect with immediate effect, and will take over from current EUA President, Professor Jean-Marc Rapp, in March 2012. He/she will serve for a period of three years.
During the Conference, it would also take place the election of the new four EUA Board members and will serve for a period of four years (2011-2015) It is worth mentioning that the four new members will join the current board members David Drewry (UK), Jean-Pierre Finance (France), Maria Helena Nazaré (Portugal) and Giuseppe Silvestri (Italy), together with the current EUA President.
The official web site of the European University Association can be found at:
Launch of ADEA Triennale in Burkina Faso kicks off national dialogue on education and the country’s new development strategy
On February 17th, 2011 the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso Mr. Tertius Zongo launched the process of ignition for the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Triennale on Education and Training in Burkina Faso. The event, the largest in Africa on Education and Training, is expected to be held in Ouagadougou from November 27th to December 2nd, 2011
The theme of the Triennale will be: “Promoting Critical Knowledge, Skills and Qualifications for Sustainable Development in Africa: How to Design and Implement an Effective Response by Education and Training Systems”. The topic was elected after the seminar on the 2011 Triennale and Burkina Faso’s new Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development (SCADD)
Several policy makers and development actors assisted to the launch of the Triennale, triggering a national discussion about the needs for human capital, education and training reforms, based on the new vision of development of Burkina Faso.
For the 2011 Triennale, numerous other stakeholders from outside the education sector will be invited and involved in the preparatory work: representatives of the private sector (economic, professional and social organizations), civil society, young people, the health, environment and agriculture sectors, finance, employment and rural development ministries, among others.
For more information visit:
Reaching the education goals in 2021: A shared responsibility in Latin America
The achievement by 2021 of the education goals established by the ministers of education of the Ibero-American States in Buenos Aires, Argentina in September 2010, are the engine behind the agreement signed at the 20th Ibero-American Summit that was held in Mar de la Plata, Argentina, on December 3 and 4 2010. Such agreement was signed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) and the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB)
According to the IDB the objectives of raising the quality of teaching and learning have become government priorities in the context of the celebration of 200 years of national independence. The strategic objective of the 2021 goals is to confront the challenges of the twenty-first century with respect to innovation, scientific and technological development, and participation in the information and knowledge economy.
Thus, with this agreement the three signatory institutions recognize the need for a participatory approach of all stakeholders as a fundamental requirement for the achievement of national strategies aimed at the attainment of those goals on education.
For more information visit:,2084.html
Launch of Climate Change Education web portal
UNESCO is launching a web portal dedicated to climate change education (CCE). Designed to support education professionals, ministries of education, the development community and other partners, the resource was developed within the framework of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD, 2005-2014).
According to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, climate change is the defining issue of our time, and concerns everyone, everywhere. Successfully meeting the social, economic and environmental challenges posed by climate change will require heightened awareness at all levels of society (informed citizens, a knowledgeable workforce and enlightened government officials). Such awareness depends on effective CCE, one of the keys both to reducing climate change and coping with current inevitable temperature changes.
The CCE Clearinghouse aims to promote and facilitate climate change education by providing practitioners with resources to design and implement climate change courses, and stay abreast of trends and challenges in the field.
The website provides a regularly updated collection of pedagogical materials – courses, lesson plans, activities and audiovisual resources – that cover both the science behind global warming and strategies for adapting to and reducing the impact of climate change. Visitors to the clearinghouse will also find links to numerous CCE-related research documents, case studies and academic journals.
Additionally, the site features a calendar of upcoming CCE events, a list of complementary CCE resource hubs, information about CCE-related funding opportunities and a comprehensive directory of agencies and organizations dedicated to expanding and improving climate change education.
This resource is available in English, French and Spanish.
The Climate Change Education Website is available at:
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sobre las eternas guerras culturales
Sobre las eternas guerras culturales El gobierno Boric ha sido, como tantos otros en la historia, un caso de...