Revisión realizada por la OCDE y el Banco Mundial respecto de las instituciones de educación terciaria en bío Bío y su participación en el desarrollo regional. Un trabajo pionero.
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Universities and other higher education institutions can play a key role in human capital development and innovation systems in their cities and regions. Reviews of Higher Education in Regional and City Development are the OECD’s vehicle to mobilise higher education for economic, social and cultural development of cities and regions. The reviews analyse how the higher education system impacts local and regional development and help how this impact can be improved. In addition to human capital and skills development, technology transfer and business innovation, the reviews also considers higher education’s contribution to social, cultural and environmental development and regional capacity building. The review process facilitates partnership building in regions by drawing together higher education institutions and public and private agencies to identify strategic goals and work together towards them. To know more about the OECD review process and requirements, visit Higher Education and Regions’ website at
These reviews are part of a wider multi-annum work of higher education in cities and regions coordinated by the OECD Programme on Institutional Management of Higher Education (IMHE). In 2004-07, the OECD/IMHE conducted an extensive study with fourteen regional reviews across 12
countries. This resulted in the OECD flagship publication Higher Education and Regions: Globally Competitive, Locally Engaged (OECD, 2007) with recommendations to benefit both higher education institutions and national and regional governments.
In 2008, the OECD/IMHE launched a second series of OECD Reviews of Higher Education in Regional and City Development to address the demand by national and regional governments for more responsive and proactive higher education institutions. As a result, 14 regions in 11 countries have undergone the OECD review process in 2008-10. The reviews are conducted in collaboration with international organisations and associations and other OECD programmes and directorates. This work also supports the OECD Innovation Strategy and OECD Green Growth Strategy.
This OECD/World Bank review of the Bío Bío Region in Chile has pioneering in three ways: it has been the first of its kind to be conducted in Chile; the first to be conducted in collaboration with the World Bank; and was the inaugural region reviewed of the second round of OECD Reviews of Higher Education in Regional and City Development.
This OECD/World Bank review calls for closer collaboration between higher education institutions and regional and local government to help secure sustainable development. As the people of the Bío Bío Region rebuild their society and their economy after the devastating earthquake of February 2010, it is more than ever essential that these institutions and organisms work together to bring recovery and progress.
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