GLOBAL A new approach to social sciences, humanities in a time of crisis Jess Auerbach and Nina Hall 07 May 2020 In the last month, the uncertainty and disruption that has impacted on the globe has been felt hard in academia, and the social sciences and humanities...
Apoyo financiero a universidades a propósito del Covid-19
Comparative Bailout ay 5th, 2020 - Alex Usher Following yesterday’s discussion re: how we might want to ask for money, I thought it would be useful to look at how other national governments are responding to post-secondary pleas for help. For obvious reasons, the...
¿Cuál es el debate que espera a las universidades cuando retorno alguna forma de normalidad?
How Should Colleges Prepare for a Post-Pandemic World? Anticipate and plan for change rather than merely hope that it will not arrive. By Brian Rosenberg APRIL 13, 2020 PREMIUM If one were to invent a crisis uniquely and diabolically designed to undermine the...
Adelanto de las vacaciones
Cartas Domingo 12 de abril de 2020 Adelanto de las vacaciones Señor Director: Acierta su editorial de ayer sobre el adelanto de vacaciones de invierno al llamar la atención hacia la poca flexibilidad que el Ministerio de Educación muestra para atender los casos de...
Tipologías institucionales a nivel mundial
Problems in International Institutional Typology March 26th, 2020 - Alex Usher As you all know, a reasonable chunk of my work involves making international comparisons. This is far from simple in higher education because basic units of analysis differ enormously from...
Universidades británicas: rescate o fracaso?
Camilla Cavendish, Financial Times, April 3, 2019 Are universities too big to fail? As Covid-19 sweeps the globe, some UK universities, highly dependent on foreign students and summer courses for income, are looking into the abyss. Allowing a university to go bust...
Usher sobre planificación de escenarios para universidades (el caso de Canadá)
View as Webpage Coronavirus (8)-Scenario Planning March 30th, 2020 - Alex Usher For the last three weeks, life on university and college campuses has all been about doing what is needed to save the semester and move to remote learning/remote working format. I get...
Covid-19 en el espacio de la educación superior de EEUU
Frozen Searches Scores of institutions announce faculty hiring freezes in response to the coronavirus. By Colleen Flaherty April 1, 2020 Higher education is COVID-19-positive. And in the parlance of triage, the patient needs emergent care. At many institutions, that...
Ranking mundial de libertad académica
Ranking Academic Freedom Globally Developers of new index rating countries by their level of academic freedom are challenging university rankers to consider such freedoms more broadly. By Elizabeth Redden March 30, 2020 GLOBAL PUBLIC POLICY INSTITUTE Global Levels of...
Alex Usher sobre mérito en el contexto de la educación superior
Merit March 25th, 2020 - Alex Usher Universities are among the most elitist institutions in society. I won’t say they are unabashed by this role: in fact, I’d say they are plenty bashful. Certainly, there are many people who wish to be as democratic as possible...
México: ¿Cuál es el rumbo en la educación básica?
¿Cuál es el rumbo en la educación básica? Manuel Gil Antón| 31/08/2024 | Alicia, en el país de las maravillas, llega a...
El papel de la crítica en la educación
El papel de la crítica en la educación Manuel Gil Antón| 28/09/2024 |05:18 |Actualizada 28/09/2024 05:18 Manuel Gil...
Los “dos culturas” en China y Occidente
China vs the West: Snow’s ‘two culture’ theory goes global Richard Holmes 28 August 2024 In 1959, CP Snow, a British...
La institucionalidad de las universidades: ¿forzadas a cambiar?
José Joaquín Brunner/ ex ministro de Estado, académico y experto en educación /La institucionalidad de las...