
Formación de posgrado en tiempos de pandemia

What We Learned in the Pandemic About Graduate Training Three Covid-inspired innovations shed light on what needs to change in graduate education By Debra W. Stewart  and James R. Neumeister JULY 14, 2021 The pandemic forced many graduate schools to innovate on the...

Financiamiento universidades en Inglaterra

Ministers to overhaul university funding after long consultation Exclusive: tuition-fee cuts, cap on student numbers and minimum entry requirements under consideration Richard Adams Education editor Fri 9 Jul 2021 12.16 BST Ministers are to pave the way for an...

Corresponsabilidad en la educación superior

Corresponsabilidad en la educación superior: “Es necesario repensar el trabajo académico que reproduce este modelo de división sexual del trabajo” por Javiera Bruna 2 junio, 2021 Para la socióloga, experta en trabajos de cuidado y organización social, “tenemos en...

Campos de estudio en discusión

Interdisciplinary questions: the academy’s most misunderstood fields Public confusion is one thing, but some subjects provoke quizzical and sometimes dismissive frowns even among colleagues from different departments. Here, nine academics set the record straight about...

¿Humanidades versus big data?

Data Is Not the Enemy of the Humanities Scholars like Jill Lepore misunderstand the nature of the digital threat. By Dan Sinykin APRIL 29, 2021 “Big data is coming for your books.” It’s been nearly a decade since a writer in the Los Angeles Review of Books opened his...

Australia: Aranceles y elección de carreras

View as Webpage Two New Data Points on the Effects of Tuition Fees April 29th, 2021 - Alex Usher Over the past two decades, tuition rises in Canada have been relatively low: on average, we consistently see rises of about 1-2% above inflation, with almost no sudden...