
Deuda estudiantil en USA

Unchecked student debt will affect all areas of the economy F King Alexander  11 May 2024 To better understand the trillion-dollar student loan debt crisis in the United States which impacts nearly 45 million college attendees and graduates, taxpayers need to...

La generación del CAE

La generación del CAE por José Joaquín Brunner, 22 mayo, 2024 En estos días ha irrumpido nuevamente el tema de la condonación de la deuda estudiantil y la eliminación del crédito con aval del Estado (CAE), ideas que vienen rondando los ambientes del Frente Amplio (FA)...

Doctorados en artes y humanidades

We need a debate about PhDs in the arts and humanities. Now. Christopher Smith  04 May 2024 For a qualification which is so steeped in the appearance of prestige, the doctorate is remarkably under-examined. It has changed relatively little in terms of output, form and...

Libertad académica alrededor del mundo

Academic freedom in decline in 22 countries worldwide Nathan M Greenfield  16 March 2023 Over the past decade, academic freedom has declined in more than 22 countries representing more than half of the world’s population, four billion people, says the Academic Freedom...