
El efecto a Bill Gates en la educación superior

The Gates Effect The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has spent $472-million (so far) on higher education. Why many in academe are not writing thank-you notes. Terry Crosgrove, who works in an Ohio plant that makes Slim Jims, is studying for an associate degree...

Elección de estudios en EEUU

The 7 Things Students Think About When Choosing a College By Julian Wyllie FEBRUARY 13, 2018 seb_ra/iStock What happens when a high-school student from a low-income family wants to attend a private college 100 miles away, but has a parent whispering in her ear to look...

Francia: ¿Reforma sus universidades?

Left Bank Choosiness February 14th, 2018 - Alex Usher To Paris, where a couple of big changes in education policy have led to student demonstrations.  Not particularly large or effective demonstrations (not yet, anyway), but significant nonetheless. The first - and...

Nuevo Rector de Harvard

Harvard Picks Former Tufts President as Its New Leader By Andy Thomason and Adam Harris FEBRUARY 11, 2018 Bill Sikes, AP Images Lawrence Bacow Harvard University has chosen for its 29th president a veteran leader of elite colleges. Lawrence S. Bacow, a former...

¿(Des)implementando la Reforma Educacional?

¿(Des)implementando la Reforma Educacional? por SEBASTIÁN SALAZAR P. 6 febrero, 2018 Los expertos en gestión de riesgos y emergencia han establecido tres tipos de alertas ante la ocurrencia de una emergencia o catástrofe. Se habla de alerta verde o temprana preventiva...

Sciences Po – Paris en la huella de Macron

Macron Efecto French president's alma mater sees surge in international applications. By Jack Grove for Times Higher Education February 9, 2018 Emmanuel Macron’s rapid rise to France’s presidency was always likely to raise the international profile of his alma mater....