
Profesores e innovación en la sala de clase

educationtoday blog It is generally acknowledged that the quality of an educational system depends upon the quality of its teachers. Teachers are responsible for preparing young people to meet new challenges in a fast-changing world; and that is why innovation in...

Rediseñar la Universidad, Alex Usher (III)

DESIGNING A UNIVERSITY FROM SCRATCH (III) APRIL 6, 2018 | ALEX USHER If you’re just joining us, on Wednesday I briefly reviewed some of the key aspects of the Minerva model as detailed in the book yesterday’s entry, as detailed in the book Building the Intentional...

Salud y bienestar y su impacto en la educación

Why schools should pay more attention to students’ mental health and well-being Posted: 14 Mar 2018 09:26 AM PDT by Anna Choi  Analyst, Economist/Analyst at CFE/LESI (Local employment, skills, and social innovation) The notion of well-being and happiness has...

Por qué prestar atención al modelo Escuela Nueva

Por qué debemos prestarle atención al modelo Escuela Nueva Mar 8 2018 This post is also available in: Inglés En el mundo moderno, los mercados laborales cambian de forma rápida y constante. Los cambios tecnológicos, incluyendo la automatización, plantean serios...

¿Muerte de las humanidades?

THE CHRONICLE REVIEW There Is No Case for the Humanities And deep down we know our justifications for it are hollow By Justin Stover MARCH 04, 2018 This essay originally appeared in American Affairs. The humanities are not just dying — they are almost dead. In...

Candidato a Rector de la UCH define su candidatura

Patricio Aceituno, decano de la Facultad de Ciencias y candidato a rector de la U. de Chile: “Me diferencio de Vivaldi porque mi mirada de futuro es más ambiciosa” Autor: Paula Yévenes/ María José Blanco  SAB 10 MAR 2018 |  12:13 AM  Este año se cumple medio siglo...