
Brecha de género en publicaciones académicas

The Gender Gap in Publications New analysis looks at differences in scholarly outputs and impacts across 12 countries/regions and 27 fields. By Elizabeth Redden March 8, 2017 Bajar artículo completo con gráficos aquí. A large-scale analysis of gender disparities in...

Paro docente en Argentina

PARO DOCENTE EN ARGENTINA Los maestros tensan el pulso contra Mauricio Macri A días del inicio de clases, los sindicatos mantienen la convocatoria a un paro de 48 horas FEDERICO RIVAS MOLINA, Buenos Aires 2 MAR 2017 - 20:58 CET Roberto Baradel (Suteba) y Mirta...

Ministra Educación de EEUU y educación superior

How Much Power Does Betsy DeVos Really Hold to Shake Up Higher Ed? Most education secretaries have left a limited mark on higher ed. Here’s why. By Kelly Field FEBRUARY 16, 2017 Last week’s confirmation of Betsy DeVos as secretary of education has raised alarms among...

Brecha educacional y desigualdad

[divider scroll_text="SCROLL_TEXT"] Mind the Gap: Inequality in education by Tracey Burns, Senior Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills. 16.02.2017 "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times … we had everything before us, we had nothing before...

Por una refundación de la UE

Por una refundación de la UE Tribuna, El País, 13/2/2017 Daniel Innerarity - Javier Solana – Giuliano Amato – José Ignacio Torreblanca 300 intelectuales y académicos europeos firman este manifiesto en el que apuestan por “un gobierno europeo que defienda valores...