
Ranking global THES: universidades chilenas

Universidad de Oxford encabeza el listado de Times Higher Education: Dos universidades chilenas están dentro de las 500 mejores, según ranking mundial de investigación La U. del Desarrollo y la U. Diego Portales lideran entre las 16 casas de estudio del país que...

Qué amenaza a las ciencias

What Is Threatening Science? Sep 11, 2018 JEREMY J. BAUMBERG Globalization, the digitization of knowledge, and the growing number of scientists all seem, at first glance, like positive trends for the progress of science. But these trends are Janus-faced, for they also...

El gasto en la educación superior del Canadá

Canadian University Finances 2016-17 (Expenditures)   September 5th, 2018 - Alex Usher Ver anterior blog sobre ingresos de las universidades canadienses Good morning.  Yesterday, I took a look at some recent trends in income at Canadian universities; today I want to...

Ingresos de las universidades canadienses

CANADIAN UNIVERSITY FINANCES 2016-17 (INCOME) SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 | ALEX USHER So, the 2016-2017 Financial Information of Universities and Colleges came out in July, and as usual I’ve got some highlights for you. This year, we’ll be doing this as a two-parter, one on...

Entrevista a Fukuyama sobre identity politics

What Follows the End of History? Identity Politics By Evan Goldstein AUGUST 27, 2018 Francis Fukuyama is tired of talking about the end of history. Thirty years ago, he published a wonky essay in a little-read policy journal and became an overnight intellectual...