What Is Threatening Science? Sep 11, 2018 JEREMY J. BAUMBERG Globalization, the digitization of knowledge, and the growing number of scientists all seem, at first glance, like positive trends for the progress of science. But these trends are Janus-faced, for they also...
El gasto en la educación superior del Canadá
Canadian University Finances 2016-17 (Expenditures) September 5th, 2018 - Alex Usher Ver anterior blog sobre ingresos de las universidades canadienses Good morning. Yesterday, I took a look at some recent trends in income at Canadian universities; today I want to...
Evaluación de los docentes de educación superior: una mirada desde Canadá
Time to Talk Teaching Assessments Something very important happened over the summer: The Ryerson Faculty Union won its case against the university in Ontario Superior Court against the use of student teaching evaluations in tenure and promotion decisions (it...
Informe de la CGR sobre financiamiento fiscal de la educación superior
El 51% de los aportes fiscales a los alumnos fueron a recompra del CAE Bajar el informe aquí Además del análisis sobre gratuidad, Contraloría emitió el Informe de Financiamiento Fiscal a la Educación Superior 2017, en el que se incluye información con respecto a...
Ingresos de las universidades canadienses
CANADIAN UNIVERSITY FINANCES 2016-17 (INCOME) SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 | ALEX USHER So, the 2016-2017 Financial Information of Universities and Colleges came out in July, and as usual I’ve got some highlights for you. This year, we’ll be doing this as a two-parter, one on...
Ponencia: Gobernanza del capitalismo académico: una propuesta investigativa para el caso del sistema universitario chileno
Gobernanza del capitalismo académico: una propuesta investigativa para el caso del sistema universitario chileno, José Joaquín Brunner[1], Francisco Ganga-Contreras[2], Emilio Rodríguez-Ponce[3] Ponencia del profesor Francisco Ganga presentada al VI Congreso...
El aprendizaje en el siglo XXI resulta inconcebible sin la tecnología
29 AGO 2018 - 10:34 CEST El aprendizaje en el siglo XXI resulta inconcebible sin la tecnología. Nuevos métodos, dispositivos y aplicaciones perfilan un modelo de adquisición de conocimientos para el mundo que viene. En el edificio de infantil del colegio público...
Entrevista a Fukuyama sobre identity politics
What Follows the End of History? Identity Politics By Evan Goldstein AUGUST 27, 2018 Francis Fukuyama is tired of talking about the end of history. Thirty years ago, he published a wonky essay in a little-read policy journal and became an overnight intellectual...
The Boston College Center for International Higher Education Year in Review, 2017-2018
With this message, we’re delighted to announce the release of issue No. 9 in the CIHE Perspectives report series: The Boston College Center for International Higher Education Year in Review, 2017-2018. As indicated by the title, this report provides a comprehensive...
Las citas en revistas académicas tienen género
Understanding the Extent of Gender Gap in Citations One journal now asks authors to explain citation gap. By Rachael Pells for Times Higher Education, August 16, 2018 Research into the gendered citation patterns of academics has confirmed what many have long...
Hungría: la universidad iliberal
JUNE 6, 2024 | ALEX USHER Illiberal Universities One of the most interesting stories in global higher education over...
Universidades chinas en comparación con Canadá
MAY 27, 2024 | ALEX USHER A China Update If you’ve been reading this bog for a while, you’ll know that I occasionally...
Entrevista sobre educación en América Latina – diario El País
José Joaquín Brunner: “La competencia de las escuelas son el crimen organizado y el narco” El reconocido académico...
Libertad académica y Gaza en las universidades de USA
Academic freedom and the crisis of campus Gaza protests Nathan M Greenfield 25 May 2024 Two decisions on opposite...