Argentine science at risk as radical right-winger wins presidency Javier Milei promised to get rid of the country’s major science funder during chaotic election campaign, but will he follow through with his promises? November 27, 2023 Tom Williams Source: Alamy In the...
México, universidades y UNAM
Will a new president end Mexico’s stand-off over university policy? Mexican president Andrés Manuel López-Obrador has expanded university access but is accused of ideological attacks on institutions, overly zealous corruption clampdowns and a misguided power grab over...
Libertad académica en Europa
University legitimacy: a strong defence of academic freedom Wilhelm Krull and Thomas Brunotte 18 November 2023 In several respects, the early 2020s have been dominated by an accumulated array of interwoven crises. Some of them, like climate change and environmental...
Gaza como test de la libertad de debate académico en EEUU
International student enrolment rise is fastest in 40 years Nathan M Greenfield 14 November 2023 The 12% rise in the number of international students in the United States – the fastest growth rate in four decades – has pushed international student numbers almost back...
Proyecciones de Tump y su política hacia las universidades
Trump’s American Academy: pure politics, or onto something? Republican front runner lifts from DeSantis playbook in idea for free online alternative to ‘woke’ universities, connecting to concerns on endowments and access November 13, 2023 John Morgan Donald Trump’s...
Destrucción y reconstrucción de universidades en Ucrania
NOVEMBER 13, 2023 | ALEX USHER Reconstruction Something on a lot of people’s minds in higher education– at least, among the more internationally-minded types – is how higher education institutions in North America and Europe can contribute to the rebuilding of...
Universidad y territorios: nuevas formas de integración
Magna Charta urges post-industrial cities to pull together Nic Mitchell 03 November 2023 Universities should not only pull together across disciplines and across continents to help solve the problems facing the world, but they must also work with their local...
Jurgen Habermas en El País
Jürgen Habermas: el gran pensador y su asalto a la cumbre de la filosofía El mayor intelectual europeo publica una monumental obra de 1.752 páginas con su mirada a la historia de la filosofía, de la que él mismo forma parte gracias a su teoría de la democracia...
Nicholas Barr: Sobre cómo financiar lam educación superior
A fairer way to finance tertiary education Nicholas Barr, June 7th, 2023 Estimated reading time: 8 minutes Nicholas Barr dispels some of the commonly held myths around higher education funding and outlines the core elements of a financing system guided by principles...
Imanol Ordorika, la disputa por la Rectoría de la UNAM
UNAM: cambiar o hacer lo mismo MANUEL GIL ANTÓN| 07/10/2023 |05:22 |Actualizada Una palabra recorre a la Universidad Nacional: estabilidad. Enuncia un valor que se considera supremo. Se afirma que es la tarea central de la persona que sea designada para ocupar la...
Colombia: Deuda estudiantil
“No queremos jóvenes endeudados hasta el cuello”: Mineducación reformará el Icetex El ministro de Educación, Daniel...
Director de Nueva Educación Pública: visión y propósitos
La Nueva Educación Pública avanza y funciona El objetivo es consolidar un sistema educativo armónico y eficiente que...
Currículos 19 países de América Latina y El Caribe durante la COVID-19
Nuevo Foco en Educación: Análisis a los currículos de 19 países de América Latina y El Caribe durante la COVID-19:...
Conversatorio sobre educación en Copiapó
Kinross y Diario Chañarcillo realizaron exitosamente y con gran marco de público el V conversatorio “Educación de...