Chico Soares: Contribuição para o debate sobre competências By Simon on Apr 15, 2018 05:43 pm Contribuição para o debate sobre competências CHICOsoares (*) Caveat Mineiro e escaldado, entro no debate sobre competências com uma nota de precaução. Andrei...
Profesores e innovación en la sala de clase
educationtoday blog It is generally acknowledged that the quality of an educational system depends upon the quality of its teachers. Teachers are responsible for preparing young people to meet new challenges in a fast-changing world; and that is why innovation in...
Rediseñar la Universidad, Alex Usher (III)
DESIGNING A UNIVERSITY FROM SCRATCH (III) APRIL 6, 2018 | ALEX USHER If you’re just joining us, on Wednesday I briefly reviewed some of the key aspects of the Minerva model as detailed in the book yesterday’s entry, as detailed in the book Building the Intentional...
Rediseñar la Universidad, Alex Usher (II)
[space height="HEIGHT"] DESIGNING A UNIVERSITY FROM SCRATCH (II) APRIL 5, 2018 | ALEX USHER Following on from yesterday’s discussion of the Minerva model (you might want to refresh your memory by re-reading yesterday’s entry, as detailed in the book Building the...
Rediseñar la Universidad, Alex Usher (I)
DESIGNING A UNIVERSITY FROM SCRATCH (I) APRIL 4, 2018 | ALEX USHER I’ve recently been reading a fascinating book entitled Building the Intentional University: Minerva and the Future of Higher Education which essentially is an operating manual for the Minerva Schools...
Argentina: El estado de las políticas públicas docentes
Argentina: El estado de las políticas públicas docentes Abr 3 2018 Download Report El sistema educativo argentino, que en años pasados fue una fuente de inspiración para otros países, hoy se encuentra cuestionado por los más diversos sectores de la sociedad. Las...
Esquemas de ayuda estudiantil comparados
An International Final Four: Which Country Handles Student Debt Best? In America, college student loan defaults are a really big problem. In Australia? No worries. By Matthew Chingos and Susan Dynarski, April 2, 2018 We chose these nations to learn from the...
Revista Alteridad, Ecuador
HOME ACERCA DE ACTUAL ARCHIVOS AVISOS INDEXACIONES Buscar Vol. 13 Núm. 1: (enero-junio 2018) Editores PhD. Rosa García Ruíz PhD. Jaime Padilla PhD. Napoleón Esquivel Frecuencia 2 números/año ISSN: 1390-325X e-ISSN: 1390-8642 DOI 10.17163/alt. Sobre la revista...
Agrupar alumnos por rendimiento, ¿sirve para algo?
Serie Foco en Educación Marzo 2018, Número 17 EL ORDENAMIENTO ACADÉMICO AL INTERIOR DE LOS COLEGIOS: UNA PRÁCTICA COMÚN Y DE IMPACTO NEGATIVO Diversos estudios del CIAE y de la UC, realizados con el apoyo de Fondecyt, encontraron que hasta el 59% de los...
Información de gran interés: Education Research Network
We are pleased to announce the creation of the Education Research Network (EduRN), with 12 eJournals focusing on major areas of scholarship. SSRN's newest network provides a worldwide online community for education scholars and for the sharing of ideas across a broad...
Fundación AEQUALIS inauguró actividades 2024
Fundación AEQUALIS inauguró actividades 2024 mayo 02, 2024 Con un saludo en el que valoró la labor desarrollada por...
Iliberalismo se toma agenda global de las universidades
New deceptions: How illiberalism is hijacking the university Jo-Anne Dillabough and Andrea Peto 04 May 2024 In recent...
Liberad académica por Louis Menand
ACADEMIC FREEDOM UNDER FIRE Politicians despise it. Administrators aren’t defending it. But it made our universities...
MINEDUC en tren defensivo
Encuentro Nacional de Educación de Partidos de Gobierno: el ‘cataldazo’ oficialista ante la arremetida de la oposición...