2 Years of For-Profit College? Earnings No Better Than After High School By Dan Berrett For-profit colleges expand access to higher education for some students who might not otherwise attend college, but the payoff can be meager. In fact, graduates of for-profit...
Políticas escolares de la Concertación: nuevo libro
colección Educación Las políticas escolares de la Concertación... durante la transición democrática María Inés Picazo Verdejo2013, 369 pp.ISBN: 978-956-314-192-4Precio de referencia: $18.800 /us$ 39,17. Desde la perspectiva de la política como puzzlement, el...
Lecciones desde el sudeste asiático
Catching up: learning from the best school systems in East Asia Read the summary report aquí The world’s centre of high performance in school education is now East Asia. Four of the five top-performing systems are Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea and Singapore,...
Sobre la clasificación de universidades
On the Classification of Universities Sobre la clasificación de universidades José Joaquín Brunner Diego Portales University, Chile Abstract This article discusses the use of university classifications as a framework for their order, ranking and finance. It is argued...
¿Cuánto aprenden los alumnos en los EEUU?
Series: Brown Center Report on American Education | Number 14 of 14 « Previous Report | March 18, 2013 2013 Brown Center Report on American Education: How Well Are American Students Learning? Editors' Note: The introduction to the 2013 Brown Center Report on American...
Publicidad universitaria y efectos según clase social
Why Disadvantaged Students Are More Influenced by College Marketing May 1, 2013, 11:15 am By Beckie Supian, The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 1, 2013 Disadvantaged students are more likely to search for colleges haphazardly, rather than in the systematic way a...
Academia Khan en América Latina
PREAL circula la siguiente información: Khan Academy La Khan Academy, que proporciona videos educacionales y permite a estudiantes a aprender sobre la marcha, está obligando a los educadores a repensar el modelo de enseñanza tradicional. Fundada en 2009...
Educación dual en sector servicios
Freeing Apprenticeships from the Trades Posted on April 29, 2013 by Alex Usher I was looking at some apprenticeship statistics in a few OECD countries the other day, and I noticed yet another way in which Canada seems to be missing the boat. It’s not just that...
Deserción escolar: nueva evidencia latinoamericana
La deserción escolar en América Latina ya no es solo cuestión de pobreza Un estudio de SITEAL vincula el abandono educativo de los adolescentes de la región a la incompatibilidad con trabajo y familia y con el puro aburrimiento J. A. Aunión, El País, Madrid 7 ABR 2013...
Crítica al capitalismo académico informatizado
The neoliberal assault on academia The neoliberal sacking of the universities runs much deeper than tuition hikes and budget cuts, notes Barkawi. Last Modified: 25 Apr 2013 08:30 Tarak Barkawi Tarak Barkawi is Associate Professor in the Department of Politics, New...
ODS: desafíos para la gobernanza de la educación superior
José Joaquín Brunner y Mario Alarcón, ODS: desafíos para la gobernanza de la educación superior, 2023 Disponible en...
OEI: Una agenda común de futuro
Autor: VV.AA Editorial: Política Exterior Fecha: 2023 Páginas: 159 Una agenda común de futuro Con la colaboración de...
Nicholas Barr: Sobre cómo financiar lam educación superior
A fairer way to finance tertiary education Nicholas Barr, June 7th, 2023 Estimated reading time: 8 minutes Nicholas...
Pobreza en la niñez
What Poor Children Need Oct 17, 2023, MICHAEL R. STRAIN and HARRY J. HOLZER When it comes to helping poor children in...