Question time: THE election panel grill the politicians 23 April 2015 Higher education figures interrogate the main parties on subjects from policy mistakes to part-time study In this election Q&A, we asked a panel of experts from across higher education to put...
Entrevista al Ministro de Eeducación Superior de Inglaterra
THE interview: Greg Clark 11 September 2014 | By Jack Grove New universities minister delighted at rising student numbers and prepares to tackle postgraduate funding Source: PA Steps to power: Greg Clark went from a comprehensive to Whitehall via Cambridge and the...
Sobre la política de posgrados en Inglaterra
Investing in postgraduate education Geoff Whitty, May 2014 The Browne review of higher education funding1 and Coalition government’s major White Paper on Higher education: Students at the Heart of the System2 both marginalised two increasingly important groups of...
Thatcher y la educación superior: Controversias
Split persists on Thatcher legacy 11 APRIL 2013 | BY JACK GROVE, The Times Higher Education Former prime minister’s higher education policies still elicit respect and rancour. Jack Grove report Margaret Thatcher’s “extraordinary” legacy to British universities has...
Oxford y minorías étnicas
Oxford, acusada de discriminar a las minorías étnicas Lo asegura el diario 'The Guardian', tras analizar las cifras de los estudiantes con mejores notas que pidieron plaza en el curso 2010-11 Walter Oppenheimer, El País, Londres, 27 FEB 2013 - 12:20 CET3 ¿Discrimina...
Bajo desempeño en lectura de estudiantes USA
American Children’s Reading Skills Reach New Lows With little post-pandemic recovery, experts wonder if screen time...
Nuevo estudio de Gregory Elacqua: rotación docente e incentivos monetarios
Teacher turnover is a major challenge for schools globally, particularly affecting disadvantaged students in urban...
La mesa técnica creada para el Sistema de Admisión Escolar (SAE)
Los nudos expuestos durante la mesa técnica creada para mejorar el Sistema de Admisión Escolar (SAE) Durante esta...
Política de acuerdos y sus múltiples consecuencias
Política de acuerdos y sus múltiples consecuencias La oposición constructiva de derechas logra llevar adelante una...