
Pobreza en la niñez

What Poor Children Need Oct 17, 2023, MICHAEL R. STRAIN and HARRY J. HOLZER When it comes to helping poor children in America grow up to enjoy successful adult lives, progressives and conservatives each have half the truth on their side. There is strong evidence to...

Ausentismo preescolar

Yanira Alée, experta en ausentismo escolar en primera infancia: “La gente tiende a tomar el juego como algo peyorativo y no como una metodología de aprendizaje”. Trinidad Rojas / Collage: Dominga Rozas 6 ENE 2023 09:51 AM Según cifras del Ministerio de Educación, un...

Función ejecutiva en los infantes

As essential as they are, we aren’t born with the skills that enable us to control impulses, make plans, and stay focused. We are born with the potential to develop these capacities—or not—depending on our experiences during infancy, throughout childhood, and into...

La importancia crucial de invertir en la niñez

Childhood forecasting of a small segment of the population with large economic burden Avshalom Caspi, Renate M. Houts, Daniel W. Belsky, Honalee Harrington, Sean Hogan, Sandhya Ramrakha, Richie Poulton & Terrie E. Moffitt Nature Human Behaviour 1, Article number:...