Private Higher Education in India April 11, 2024 | Alex Usher When we talk about private higher education, our minds obviously rush immediately to the United States, where a mix of world class universities like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton coexist with a range of low...
Educación superior en India
Realism about Indian Higher Education Philip G. Altbach Abstract Indian higher education is open- ing to the world, but there are many aspects of the world’s second largest system that need to be understood by the global community. A stress on expansion has prevented...
India: protesta estudiantil
India’s ideological war bursts on to a Delhi campus [email protected], Fincial Times, January 8 2020 It was my first visit to Jawaharlal Nehru University, one of India’s most prestigious academic institutions, but it felt like I was entering a war zone. On...
Educación superior en la India (2)
Update from India: The National Institutional Ranking Framework November 13th, 2018 - Alex Usher Yesterday , I discussed the need to change culture in Indian universities to make them a bit more focused on output and less focused on the employment privileges of...
Educación superior en India
View as Webpage Update from India (1) November 12th, 2018 - Alex Usher I spent the last couple of weeks in India and the Middle East. Over the next couple of days, I thought I would lay out some of my observations about higher education in these countries. First up,...
Revista International Higher Education: nuevo número
International Higher Education is also published in these languages: Russian edition Chinese edition Spanish edition Portuguese edition Vietnamese edition French edition OPEN JO Browse By Issue By Author By Title Other Journals Home > No 93 International Higher...
Alex Usher sobre la educación superior en la India (I)
Better Know a Higher Ed System: India (Part 1) Posted on November 27, 2014 by Alex Usher India is a big, crazy, multi-faceted, barely-functioning-but-still-impressive-it’s-functioning-at-all kind of country. So it shouldn’t come as any surprise that its higher...
Trump culpa al Departamento de Educación
Trump culpa al Departamento de Educación de los malos resultados escolares: “Vamos a cerrarlo. No nos está sirviendo...
Educación XXI: problemas de adolescencia
Educación XXI: problemas de adolescencia José Joaquín Brunner, 23 de marzo de 2025 Es posible que gran parte de la...
Comunidad de Madrid: “Los dispositivos distraen”…
La prohibición de las pantallas avanza en los colegios, se acabó el optimismo tecnológico en educación: “Los...
España: Motivos de un mal PISA
El declive del rendimiento de los estudiantes en España: qué frena su mejora según el creador de PISA y otros expertos...