Revista Calidad de la Educación

Calidad en la Educación presenta su número 49  Calidad en la Educación ofrece siete estudios que levantan evidencia empírica sobre temáticas diversas y relevantes para la discusión educativa, como son las migraciones y su impacto en los sistemas educacionales, el...

Universidadrs británicas, austeridad

Higher education - The Guardian Richard Adams Education editor Tue 11 Dec 2018 19.46 GMT Struggling UK universities warn staff of possible job cuts Deteriorating balance sheets and political uncertainty blamed for redundancy threats Unions say cutting university staff...

Enseñanza de las artes liberales: Innovaciones

Re:Learning Tuesday, December 11, 2018 Sign up for this newsletter I’m Goldie Blumenstyk, a senior writer at The Chronicle of Higher Education, covering innovation in and around academe. Here’s what I’m thinking about this week: Three takes on success for liberal-arts...

Alex Usher: Libros sobre educación superior 2018

Higher Ed Books of 2018   December 13th, 2018 - Alex Usher You all know the drill. I read a bunch of higher ed books every year (not all of them published this year) and then just before XMAS I give you my picks. Serious higher ed nerds seem to enjoy it, but some of...