Universidade para todos? (2) By Simon on Feb 02, 2019 10:38 am (Publicado no site GaúchaZH e Jornal Zero Hora de Porto Alegre) Com somente 18% da população entre 25 e 34 anos com educação superior, o Brasil está muito atrasado neste aspecto, se comparado com Colômbia...
Reforma a la Comisión Nacional de Acreditación
Reforma a la Comisión Nacional de Acreditación Hugo HERRERA, Dr. Phil., Julius-Maximilians-Universität (Würzburg 3 de marzo de 2019 La concepción de la acreditación es valiosa. Resulta un ejercicio provechoso que los cuerpos académicos y administrativos reflexionen...
Simón Schwartzman: ¿Universidad para todos?
Universidade para todos? By Simon on Jan 29, 2019 09:11 am Em entrevista para o jornal Valor o Ministro da Educação, Ricardo Velez, disse que Universidade para Todos não existe, que a universidade deveria ser para uma elite intelectual. O reitor da Unicamp, Marcelo...
EE.UU – colleges rurales
Mitch Smith, January 13, 2019 STEVENS POINT, Wis. — Chancellor Bernie Patterson’s message to his campus was blunt: To remain solvent and relevant, his 125-year-old university needed to reinvent itself. Some longstanding liberal arts degrees, including those in...
Francia: Ingreso selectivo a la universidad
French university admissions: the crème de la crème? Reforms to the French university admission system have ushered in greater selectivity in an attempt to address high dropout rates. But without adequate filtering by family background, will this disproportionately...
Nuevo trato entre rectores
Integran el consejo asesor de la ministra Cubillos El nuevo “trato” de los rectores Hasta hace poco en trincheras distintas, los rectores de la Universidad de Chile y de los Andes revelan la “nueva etapa” de colaboración en que están embarcados, intentando dejar atrás...
Reforma al financiamiento de universidades australianas
Piecemeal Australian reforms ‘could cost more than they save’ Lowering of student loan repayment threshold to recoup an extra A$20 million (£11.3 million) but cost A$19 million January 11, 2019 By John Ross Experts have warned that piecemeal reforms to Australian...
Religiones en la educación superior de los EEUU
‘The Resilience of Religion in American Higher Education’ Authors discuss new book about the diversity and strength of religion in academe -- as well as some of the tensions. By Scott Jaschik January 11, 2019 0 COMMENTS William F. Buckley Jr.'s 1951 book God and Man...
Recortas aranceles, sus efectos en Inglaterra q
Cutting tuition fees will turn universities into vassals of the state Simon Jenkins, The Guardia, 10 January, 2019 Lowering the cost of degrees will devastate university budgets. The state will bail them out – in exchange for more control Struggling UK universities...
Admisión a las universidades: perspectiva internacional
University admissions: which system is the fairest? Standardised test scores, interviews, entrance exams, choosing the top percentage of applicants: all are used in university admissions. Ellie Bothwell asks which methods provide the most honest reflection of...
Hungría en el ranking del THE: ¿conflicto de interés?
Hungary’s big deal with ‘THE’ rankings: What’s going on? Ellen Hazelkorn and Philip G Altbach 25 May 2024 On 22 April...
Revista de Prospectiva y Estrategia
Revista de Prospectiva y Estrategia Nº92, abril 2024 Ponemos a su disposición la revista nº92 del Consejo Chileno de...
Cadem: CAE aparece como el séptimo problema a resolver en materia de educación y solo un 25% cree prioritario condonar...
Alex Usher: Diseño de políticas para la educación superior europea
MAY 16, 2024 | ALEX USHER European Universities Association Alex Usher (AU): Thomas, the European Union is a...