Content is free: universities should stop producing it In a digital era, academics’ time would be far better spent on assessment, curation and mentoring, says Terry Young October 5, 2021 Terry Young The pandemic has not been a source of change so much as a catalyst...
CONACyT México: persecución repudiada
CONACyT, fiscalía y Foro Consultivo: Polvo en el viento Publicado por: Manuel Gil Antón en Opinión 4 octubre, 2021 Sábado 2 de octubre, 2021 No olvidemos esta fecha. Nunca. Infamias, vendetas revestidas de afán de justicia, desprecio a la actividad científica, pugnas,...
Alex Usher: Financiamiento global de la educación superior (3)
GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION’S POST-COVID FUTURE (3) – NEW PEDAGOGIES, NEW CREDENTIALS SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 | ALEX USHER On Monday, I described some of the big changes of the past 18 months; yesterday I discussed the first big future trend (“Funding Challenges Forever”), and...
Alex Usher: Financiamiento global de la educación superior (2)
GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION’S POST-COVID FUTURE (2) – FUNDING CHALLENGES FOREVER SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 | ALEX USHER Yesterday, I described some of the big changes of the past 18 months; today I will talk a little bit about the first of the three big trends that we need to...
Alex Usher: Financiamiento global de la educación superior (1)
GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION’S POST-COVID FUTURE (1) SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 | ALEX USHER Back in July, I was kindly invited to a conference sponsored by the Perspektywy Foundation in Warsaw to give a talk about the future of global higher education after COVID. Over this...
Valoración social de la educación superior técnico profesional desde una perspectiva comparada
Enfoque de políticas ESTP - No16, UDP Bajar el Boletín aquí: cpce_16_sep Según informa el conocimiento experto, la imagen de la ESTP (educación superior técnico profesional) debe entenderse como la “suma de actitudes, asociaciones y sentimientos sobre la...
Debates sobre retorno a la presencialidad universitaria en USA
How Can We Trust Administrators? They assure us it’s safe to return to the classroom — but there are good reasons not to believe them. By Joseph M. Pierce SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 Iam standing at a lectern, gesturing behind me at the projection of a syllabus. I have spent...
La profesión académica latinoamericana
La profesión académica latinoamericana: la mirada de José Joaquín Brunner / The Latin American academic profession: the perspective of José Joaquín Brunner Mónica Marquina Bajar en Academia edu RESUMEN La siguiente es una entrevista al destacado intelectual...
Universidad privada en México bajo presión política
MEXICO The assault on private higher education must stop Gerardo Blanco 17 July 2021 In the 21 June edition of University World News, Héctor Vera described the deteriorating state of Mexican higher education under the current presidential administration. Vera focused...
OCDE Panorama de la Educación 2021
The state of education around the world Findings from Education at a Glance 2021 This week the OECD will release its 2021 edition of Education at a Glance, the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world. It provides data on the...
T. Snyder: ¿Qué es la libertad?
¿Qué es la libertad? La palabra más usada (y maltratada) en política La libertad no es solo la ausencia de barreras y...
Qué traerá consigo el segundo gobierno Trump
The second Trump term: Higher education braces for impact Nathan M Greenfield 08 November 2024 ‘Professors are the...
Conversaciones en torno al fogón
Ao pé da lareira By Simon Schwartzman on Nov 08, 2024 04:17 pm (Publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 8 de novembro,...
Asia: Empleabilidad de graduados
Are universities to blame for rising youth unemployment in Asia? The rise of Asian higher education has coincided with...