IA y propiedad intelectual

Authors call for AI companies to stop using their work without consent Margaret Atwood, Viet Thanh Nguyen and 8,000 others have signed an open letter asking that permission is obtained and compensation given when a writer’s work is used by AI Lucy Night, The Guardian,...

Desconfianza y crítica al CPT

Researchers embracing ChatGPT are like turkeys voting for Christmas The technology threatens to impoverish research and destroy humans’ ability to understand the social world, says Dirk Lindebaum Dirk Lindebaum, May 2, 2023 Since the launch of ChatGPT at the end of...

IA y ciencias sociales

Crucial roles for social sciences in AI, says Sergei Guriev Karen MacGregor  06 April 2023 Social scientists are key to developing artificial intelligence tools and to understanding the implications of their introduction. “This shapes how AI evolves,” says leading...

ChatGPT y educación

ChatGPT y educación: ¿un nuevo enemigo o aliado de los profesores? La irrupción de las herramientas de inteligencia artificial generativa supone un reto y una oportunidad para las instituciones educativas, que no pueden ni deben mirar hacia otro lado NACHO MENESES...