
Invertir en destrezas

Building tax systems to foster better skills Posted: 06 Apr 2017 02:00 AM PDT by Pascal Saint-Amans Director, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration Andreas Schleicher Director, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Investing in skills is crucial for fostering...

Progreso educativo intergeneracional

educationtoday blog Have emerging Latin American countries chosen quantity over quality in education? Posted: 31 Mar 2017 02:00 AM PDT by Dirk Van Damme Head of the Innovation and Measuring Progress Division, Directorate for Education and Skills Developing human...

Costos y beneficios de la educación dual

Kuczera, M. (2017), “Striking the right balance: Costs and benefits of apprenticeship”, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 153, OECD Publishing, Paris. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/995fff01-en Bajar el documento aquí For students, apprenticeships are an attractive form...

Habilidades del siglo XXI en Chile

“EL AUMENTO EN EL NÚMERO DE HORAS EN LA ESCUELA NO BASTA PARA INTRODUCIR LAS HABILIDADES DEL SIGLO XXI” 22 de Marzo de 2017 Los investigadores del CIAE, Liliana Morawietz y Cristián Bellei, abordan en entrevista la introducción de las habilidades del siglo XXI a raíz...

Usher sobre la 4ª revolución industrial: un mito

There is no Fourth Industrial Revolution Posted on March 20, 2017 by Alex Usher I am seeing an increasing number of otherwise thoughtful people in Canadian university and research circles going around talking about the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.  They need to...