
Profesores de mañana

educationtoday blog Why we should care more about who our future teachers will be Posted: 19 Jun 2018 01:48 AM PDT By Noémie Le Donné Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills “What would you like to be when you grow up?” is not only an adult’s favourite...

Noruega: Universidades y mercado laboral

Are Norwegian universities preparing students for a changing labour market? Posted: 05 Jun 2018 01:19 AM PDT By Dirk Van Damme  Head of the Skills Beyond School Division,  Directorate for Education and Skills Photo credit: Mikael Kristenson/Unsplash In many countries,...

Talleres de escritura creativa

Andamios para el talento La escritura creativa avanza en España. Autores como Samanta Schweblin, Caballero Bonald, Jonathan Franzen y Marta Sanz debaten su impacto en las letras y en la sociedad MARIBEL MARÍN YARZA, 8 JUN 2018 - 19:28 CEST   Harto de que le...

Educación y emociones

Why social emotional learning matters for migrant students and how schools can help Posted: 28 May 2018 07:36 AM PDT By Andreas Schleicher, Director, Directorate for Education and Skills and John McLaughlin, Deputy Education & Early Childhood Development Minister,...

Revista Perfiles Educativos, México

PERFILES EDUCATIVOS Núm. 161, vol. XL julio-septiembre, 2018 TABLA DE CONTENIDOS EDITORIAL Alejandro Canales Sánchez Texto completo Descargas: 2PDF CLAVES La persistencia de la desigualdad social en el nivel medio superior de educación en México. Un estudio a nivel...