
España: Educación a distancia frente a la crisis

  La educación a distancia se dispara como vía de reenganche durante la crisis Los alumnos que optan por esta vía en FP se multiplican por tres desde 2008 J. A. AUNIÓN / MANUEL PLANELLES , El Mecurio, Madrid / Sevilla 16 SEP 2013 - 21:56 CET16 La segunda...

Francia, educación y laicidad

Francia instruye a sus alumnos en los 15 “mandamientos” del laicismo Una declaración de derechos y deberes cuelga en el tablón de los centros públicos Los musulmanes critican la prohibición de símbolos religiosos Francia salva de la austeridad a la escuela Los deberes...

Educación y TIC: Conferencia Internacional CITE 2014

Call for papers: www.engii.org/workshop/CITE2014January The 5th International Conference on Information Technology in Education (CITE 2014) Special Focus: Higher Education • Collaborative and Group Learning • E-Learning and Knowledge Management • Evaluating of...

¿Nueva concepción de los rankings?

College Rankings and the Will to Swagger  August 27, 2013, 4:55 am By Eric Hoover, The Chronicle of Higher Education College officials often use colorful language when discussing U.S. News & World Report’s annual ranking of colleges. Over the years, I’ve heard the...

Clases medias: no solo educación

Las exigencias de las nuevas clases medias Han salido de la pobreza en los países emergentes y piden mejoras sociales IAN BREMMER, El País, 26 AGO 2013 - 00:01 CET http://elpais.com/elpais/2013/08/21/opinion/1377090873_331069.html Desde que, hace cinco años, comenzó...

UCLA busca ampliar sus negocios de conocimiento

  UCLA, Eyeing Profits, Entrusts Tech Transfer to Industry Experts UCLA Brendan J. Rauw, associate vice chancellor for research at UCLA, says the new foundation to oversee patents and licensing will be strictly monitored. By Paul Basken, the Chronicle of Higher...

Secretario Arne Duncan (EEUU) al comenzar el año escolar

Q-and-A: Back to school with Arne Duncan By Arne Duncan on August 26th, 2013 http://smartblogs.com/ What is the biggest challenge that teachers face as they go back to school this fall? What guidance would you give them to help them meet the challenge The large...

Siria: solidaridad académica

The Institute of International Education's Scholar Rescue Fund   and  The Center for Public Scholarship at The New School   cordially invite you to a discussion on   Syrian Higher Education in Crisis: The Road Forward    Monday, October 7th, 2013  6:00pm - 8:00pm   ...

Quién tiene el control sobre el control de calidad

Has Higher Education Lost Control Over Quality? May 23, 2013, 12:25 pm By Ellen Hazelkorn Educational quality is now a hot topic in higher education globally. In recent months, I have been involved in institutional assessments and government meetings on the topic in...

¿Medir el impacto de las ciencias?

How Best to Measure the Value of Research   August 8, 2013, 12:10 pm   By Guest Writer The following is a guest post by Michael Spence, vice chancellor of the University of Sydney. ———————————————————————————————–     When it comes to judging the...