Volume 2 Issue 4 July 2018 ISSN 2227-9679 We are pleased to bring you Volume 2 Issue 4 of ERUDITIO, electronic journal of the World Academy of Art and Science. Click here to download the PDF of Volume 2 Issue 4. CONTENTS...
Sobre las contradicciones culturales del liberalismo y sus malestares
REVISTA DE POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS En formato digital Ya está disponible en línea, de libre acceso, el nuevo número de la revista Estudios Públicos, con trabajos de Rodrigo Valdés, José Joaquín Brunner, Joaquín Fermandois, Manuel Vicuña, Cristóbal Bellolio y Loreto Cox,...
Estándares para la enseñanza
How can teaching standards improve teaching? Posted: 19 Jul 2018 07:06 AM PDT By Nóra Révai Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and SkillsWhen I started teaching English in my native Hungary, I was excited, confident, and maybe a bit nervous, about managing a...
UNESCO: hacia una educación de calidad, inclusiva y con equidad
Ministros de América Latina y el Caribe adoptan Hoja de Ruta para avanzar hacia una educación de calidad, inclusiva y con equidad Los Acuerdos de Cochabamba: Solidaridad regional para el logro del ODS4-E2030 en América Latina y el Caribe fueron aprobados en la II...
Sobre comparaciones, bingos y el rol estatal en la educación
Sobre comparaciones, bingos y el rol estatal en la educación Aunque los sistemas educacionales de Chile y Estados Unidos parecen ser muy distintos entre sí, quienes siguen el debate de política educacional en ambos países podrán descubrir numerosas similitudes y...
Valor económico de la educación superior
The economic value of higher education Posted: 16 Jul 2018 01:52 AM PDT By Marie-Hélene Doumet Senior Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Photo credit: Vasily Koloda/Unsplash Tertiary education has seen spectacular growth since the beginning of the 21st...
Deporte y educación visto por la OECD
What World Cup fever (and sports in general) can do for students’ well-being - July 11, 2018 By Judit Pál Statistician, OECD Directorate for Education and SkillsCheering for our favourite teams during the World Cup may help create a sense of community and encouraged...
Opinión sobre valor económico de la educación superior en USA
Americans Still Believe in Higher Ed's 'Public Good' Survey finds broad support for government funding of colleges, and recognition of value for society as well as individuals. By Doug Lederman July 17, 2018 Most political discussion of higher education these days...
Conferencia del ex Presidente Obama en honor de Mandela
NEWS DESK - THE NEW YORKER THE NELSON MANDELA LECTURE By Barack Obama, July 18, 2018 President Obama speaks in Johannesburg on the hundredth anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s birth.Photograph by STR / EPA-EFE / REX / Shutterstock On July 17th, former President Obama...
Querella de las ciencias y las humanidades
THE CHRONICLE REVIEW The ‘Two Cultures’ Fallacy Stop pitting science and the humanities against each other By Jennifer Summit and Blakey Vermeule JULY 01, 2018 PREMIUMCopyright © 2018 The Chronicle of Higher Education When we were teaching at Stanford in the late...
Convenios regionales / global de reconocimiento de títulos
Qualification recognition treaty: A ‘game changer’ for HE Nic Mitchell 15 March 2024 Refugees and students returning...
Alex Usher conversa sobre educación superior en Rusia
MARCH 21, 2024 | ALEX USHER - Higher Education Podcast Higher Education in Russia The World of Higher Education...
Política australiana para la educación superior por A lex Usher
Are We Out of Ideas? I was prepping yesterday for my podcast interview with Australian higher education expert Andrew...
¿Se lee aun a los clásicos literarios?
Los clásicos literarios en las aulas: ‘ubi sunt?’ Cuadra muy bien con el pensamiento de posiciones reaccionarias, que...