
K. Becerra: Sobre los bienes comunes

Un necesario cambio de perspectiva Por Katherine Becerra, profesora de Derecho Público, Universidad Católica del Norte, 23-abril 2022 La consagración de los bienes comunes naturales en el proyecto de nueva Constitución es una victoria de la sociedad civil que viene...

Ranking US News bajo la lupa

Do the ‘U.S. News’ Rankings Rely on Dubious Data? Researchers who submit to the publication say survey answers are subject to errors, ambiguity, and pressure to look good. By Francie Diep APRIL 6, 2022 Robert Morse, the lead designer of U.S. News & World Report’s...

La enseñanza de las ingenierías

View as Webpage One Thought to Start Your Day Innovations in Engineering Education March 30, 2022 | Alex Usher and Jonathan McQuarrie Today HESA is releasing the fifth edition of our publication Monitoring Trends in Academic Programs, written by Jonathan...

¿Podrá subsistir la universidad?

The University in Ruins The “innovations” that promise to save higher ed are a farce. By Johann N. Neem MARCH 21, 2022 Universities might be facing a moment similar to what befell early modern English monasteries under Henry VIII. For generations, Ronald G. Musto...

Postpandemia, ¿menor innovación?

Could COVID-19 be a step backwards for digital education? Cristina Costa, Huaping Li and Ana Lúcia Pereira  19 March 2022 Digital education in all its variants – from e-learning programmes to massive open online courses (MOOCs) – has been built on the premise that the...