
Crisis humanitarias y educación

La educación no puede parar En el mundo, 222 millones de niños y adolescentes que viven afectados por crisis humanitarias no tienen acceso a una educación adecuada. Priorizar la cobertura de sus necesidades básicas debe incluir a la educación PILAR ORENES 24 ENE 2023...

Meritocracia versus habitus

Behind the elite university’s ‘visage of meritocracy’ Nathan M Greenfield  01 February 2023 ,Far from being bastions of intellectual inquiry and meritocracy, in both Britain and the United States elite universities reproduce the ethnic, racial and class divisions...

¿Quién le tiene miedo a ChatGPT?

Why I’m Not Scared of ChatGPT The limits of the technology are where real writing begins. By  Christopher Grobe! JANUARY 18, 2023 Each time I embark on a new writing project, I find that I’ve forgotten how to write. I type and delete sentence fragments. I list claims...

Guiar programas de doctorado

Top tips for choosing a PhD Supervisor Özge Özden lays out the pros and cons you need to consider when choosing a supervisor, as well as five key Özge Özden, Near East University, 10 Jan 202 Selecting a PhD supervisor is one of the most crucial – and difficult –...