GPT-4’s launch ‘another step change’ for AI and higher education New version of OpenAI’s chatbot can interpret images and tutor students March 23, 2023 Tom Williams The ability of the new version of ChatGPT to interpret images and “tutor” students poses new challenges...
Alex Usher desde Japón
Letter from Japan March 20, 2023 | Alex Usher Morning all. I’m in the midst of a couple of weeks in Japan (the sumo was fun, thanks, though the overall quality of the field is pretty weak since Hakuho retired and Terunofuji’s knees gave out) and though this trip has...
Los Nuevos Realistas filósofos
¿Todo es relativo? Los Nuevos Realistas, un grupo de filósofos, dicen que no Son la respuesta filosófica a tiempos de noticias falsas, hechos alternativos y realidades paralelas. Reivindican la búsqueda de verdades comunes (la crisis climática) y niegan ideas...
Peter Frankopan: ‘Soy historiador, no un profeta’
Peter Frankopan: ‘I’m a historian, not a prophet’ The UK’s ‘rock star historian’ Peter Frankopan talks to Matthew Reisz about his ambitious follow-up to his Silk Roads chronicle and the perils of being seen as a modern-day sage Matthew Reisz, March 16, 2023 History...
ChatGTP en la investigación académica
The ChatGPT revolution of academic research has begun Jack Grove, March 16, 2023 The AI chatbot may soon kill the undergraduate essay, but its transformation of research could be equally seismic. Jack Grove examines how ChatGPT is already disrupting scholarly...
Autonomía universitaria en Europa: Balance
University autonomy in Europe ‘eroded by political meddling’ Politicians’ recent marshalling of public institutions for geopolitical, economic and societal ends has narrowed their room to manoeuvre, according to EUA’s autonomy scorecard Ben Upton Twitter: @benwupton,...
España: Reforma de la Ley Orgánica del Sistema Universitario (LOSU)
Universidades ante el abismo Muchos esperábamos de este ministerio soluciones más ambiciosas y estructurales para el momento crítico actual. GASTON GILABERT, 24 FEB 2023 Es gravísimo que en España no exista un debate público sobre la educación superior. La...
Podcast conversación de Alex Usher con Jamil Salmi
FEBRUARY 23, 2022 | ALEX USHER The World of Higher Education Podcast Access Gaps in Low- and Middle-Income Countries S1 E4: Access Gaps in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Guest: Jamil Salmi Morning all. Today is Thursday and hence podcast day. Today’s guest is my...
Alex Usher: carga de trabajo académico
Improving Quality Without Increasing Professorial Workloads Yesterday, I spoke about the desirability of changing the nature of academic work – specifically, dividing the assessment part of the job from the instructional part by creating a group of employees that...
Régimen de trabajo academic por Alex Usher
Reducing Work February 14, 2023 | Alex Usher Recently, I asked my Twitter followers who taught in universities about the part of their job they liked the least. I asked because I am pretty convinced Canadian higher education isn’t going to get through the next decade...
Humanidades, ¿amenazadas en Holanda por reestructuración financiera?
Humanities cuts ‘harbinger’ of bleak future for Dutch sector Area studies and languages at risk at Leiden University,...
¿Triunfó la moderación?
¿Triunfó la moderación? ''El frente moderado supuestamente victorioso experimenta un cúmulo de dificultades''. José...
Plagiarismo y su evolución
What the right’s ‘plagiarism war’ really tells us about academic writing Plagiarism accusations that led to the...
Conferencia “Gobernanza universitaria y desafíos de la Universidad en Chile”
Video You Tuve aquí 30 de octubre, 2024 Conferencia “Gobernanza universitaria y desafíos de la Universidad en...