¿En que está la formulación participativa de los nuevos estatutos de las universidades estatales? POR ADMINISTRADOR, 4 de mayo de 2022 Se vive por estos días el relevante e histórico proceso de formulación de los nuevos estatutos de las universidades estatales. La ley...
Centralizar o descentralizar: consideraciones de A. Usher
View as Webpage What's in a Name? January 7th, 2021 - Alex Usher One of the constant tensions in University and College management is working out which services need to be delivered centrally and which can be decentralized and, if the latter, how they can be provided...
McKinsey: Juntas directivas de universidades – lecciones de EEUU
Shaping university boards for 21st century higher education in the US November 12, 2020 | Article By Frankki Bevins, Jonathan Law, Saurabh Sanghvi, and Rachel Valentino Many university boards have not revised their governance models in decades and struggle to deliver...
Planificación universitaria frente a la crisis
‘Classic risk management tools’ helped protect the University of Tasmania, says its former management consultant boss May 19, 2020 By John Ross Consultancy contracts have been among the first expenses jettisoned as Australian universities face massive revenue...
Usher sobre planificación de escenarios para universidades (el caso de Canadá)
View as Webpage Coronavirus (8)-Scenario Planning March 30th, 2020 - Alex Usher For the last three weeks, life on university and college campuses has all been about doing what is needed to save the semester and move to remote learning/remote working format. I get...
Alex Usher: coronavirus y docencia en línea
View as Webpage Coronavirus (9)-September & Big Classes Marchm31st, 2020 - Alex Usher (Yes, I know, I said I would try to stay off Coronavirus topics. But it’s bloody hard to talk about anything else, isn’t it?) One of the least attractive features of the modern...
Número 51 revista “Calidad en la Educación”: Liderazgo Escolar en Chile
Número 51 revista "Calidad en la Educación": Liderazgo Escolar en Chile La revista “Calidad en la Educación” ha publicado su número 51, se trata del número temático "Liderazgo Escolar en Chile" cuyos editores invitados fueron los académicos José Weinstein, Gonzalo...
Conversación sobre la burocracia de las universidades
How to avoid being sucked into the black hole of administration Bureaucracy is the bane of every academic’s life. But who is to blame for its proliferation – and how can it be kept in check? Six academics have their say – while a registrar offers an equal and opposite...
El plan estratégico de las universidades: un debate
What is the point of a strategic plan? Formulating and implementing a strategic plan is core to the modern university leader’s job description. But amid complaints that such documents are vacuous, generic and irrelevant to the wider community, John Ross asks how...
Presupuestos balanceados, Alex Usher
Balanced Budgets May 28th, 2019 - Alex Usher A few weeks ago, the federal and länder governments in Germany reached a ten-year accord with respect to funding for scientific research. Result: a decade of planned 3% annual increases. Needless to say, this elicited...
Intríngulis de una política pública
Intríngulis de una política pública Resulta inexplicable que el gobierno haya esperado prácticamente hasta el último...
Vol. 96 Núm. 1 (2024): El paisaje lingüístico y su impacto en contextos educativos
Este monográfico se centra en el paisaje lingüístico en el ámbito educativo. Se concibe el paisaje lingüístico como el...