
Francia: ¿reformas de ser elegido Macron?

French universities eye ‘disruptive project’ if Macron re-elected Current administration has pushed through important reforms, but reorganising a complex sector around universities will be a tougher sell February 24, 2022 Universities are confident a re-elected...

Inglaterra: Financiamiento educación superior

Augar response: ‘highest earners benefit’ in student loan revamp Westminster government unveils major student finance changes creating ‘more sustainable’ system, as sector voices concern on minimum entry bar plan February 24, 2022 John Morgan The Westminster...

UCH , elección de Rector

Fin a la era Vivaldi: U. de Chile se apresta para una nueva rectoría, y asoma con fuerza una mujer Roberto Gálvez 21 FEB 2022 01:57 PM Si bien dos de los cuatro aspirantes son académicas, Rosa Devés, vicerrectora de asuntos académicos de la Casa de Bello, es quien...

Acceso desigual a la educación superior (OECD)

Which countries have the most unequal access to higher education? OECD data show that there are nations that have achieved more balance between major cities and other regions February 10, 2022 Simon Baker One of the key political debates of the past decade in much...

Argentina: Ingreso irrestricto y gratuito

Mónica Marquina: "Las universidades tienen una deuda con los pobres, incluso las que nacieron a la luz del populismo" Autor: Esteban Lo Presti, o6 02 2022   Luego de dos años de enseñanza virtual, las universidades argentinas vuelven a la presencialidad plena. De...

Alex Usher sobre Rankings

Two Rankings Stories You May Have Missed February 2, 2022 | Alex Usher Today I want to discuss two interesting developments in rankings, one purely American and the other intriguingly transatlantic. The first is a new set of rankings published by Third Way, a vaguely...