The Supreme Court Is Wrong About Andy Warhol June 5, 2023 Credit...Javier Jaén By Richard Meyer Dr. Meyer is a professor of art history at Stanford University. The Supreme Court got it wrong. In a recent 7-to-2 decision, the court ruled that Andy Warhol infringed on...
Financiamiento basado en el desempeño
MAY 26, 2023 | ALEX USHER The World of Higher Education Podcast Performance-Based Funding in Europe If you’re in North America, you know that one of the perennial debates in higher education finance is about the efficacy of performance-based funding, or PBF, with the...
La UNAM: grande y frágil – Manuel Gil Antón
La UNAM: grande y frágil Manuel Gil Antón ¿La misma estructura es la adecuada ante los cambios, y no sólo en las magnitudes y diversidad de todo tipo, sino en la complejidad de sus tareas? La casa se construyó, como la conocemos ahora, en 1945. Su estructura, y la de...
Acreditación desde perspectiva Republicanos de EEUU: Trump y De Santis
Why Are Trump and DeSantis Talking About Accreditation? By Eric Kelderman MAY 31, 2023 Republican politicians have found a new target in their efforts to reshape higher education: accrediting agencies. Announcing his presidential bid this month, Gov. Ron DeSantis,...
Gestión y especialización en las universidades
MAY 31, 2023 | ALEX USHER Economies of Scale and the Unmanageability of Universities I’ve recently had reason to ponder some of the mysteries of university management. I’ve concluded that it’s much harder to run a university in a moderately efficient fashion...
Unión Europea: Libertad de cátedra
El presidente de la Asociación de Universidades Europeas: “Vemos un deterioro de la libertad de cátedra en ciertos países” Josep Maria Garrell, exrector de la Universidad Ramon Llull, es el primer español que dirige la European University Association, que representa a...
Estudiar y trabajar: Australia y Gran Bretaña
Rise in working students ‘should prompt radical teaching rethink’ Cost-of-living crisis has driven many more to find paid work alongside studies, with universities reassessing practices as a result May 10, 2023, Tom Williams Undergraduates working part-time alongside...
Incentivos financieros e investigación
Global drive for more open, rigorous research is growing Karen MacGregor 08 May 2023 There is growing pushback against research systems driven by financial rewards for exciting findings, at the expense of rigour and integrity. The Open Science Framework for...
Calidad y sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad – Cali, Colombia
Mazzucato: Financiar el bien común
Financing the Common Good May 1, 2023, MARIANA MAZZUCATO The United Nations has warned that “cascading and interlinked crises” are jeopardizing not just the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, but “humanity’s very survival.” Mitigating the threat requires a...
Batalla por escándalos, medios de comunicación y élites políticas
Batalla por escándalos, medios de comunicación y élites políticas Los grupos dirigentes, de un lado y del otro, se...
Pensamiento Educativo, Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana (PEL)
El Vol. 61 Núm. 3 de Pensamiento Educativo, Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana (PEL) reúne nueve...
Visión de Trump para la acreditación de universidades
Trump’s Vision for College Accreditation Could Shake Up the Sector By Eric Kelderman November 26, 2024 ...
Bill Gates entrevista
Bill Gates: the Optimist’s Dilemma The philanthropist has been fighting global disease for 25 years. He believes the...