JULY 22, 2019 • 2 MINUTE READ Microsoft invests in and partners with OpenAI to support us building beneficial AGI Microsoft is investing $1 billion in OpenAI to support us building artificial general intelligence (AGI) with widely distributedeconomic benefits. We’re...
International Higher Education, Nº 98, 2019
PUBLISHED: 2019-06-05 FULL ISSUE Full Issue PDF INTERNATIONAL ISSUES AND TRENDS Connectivity of National Systems of Higher Education: Evidence from the U21 Rankings Ross Williams 2-3 PDF Higher Education Equity Policies across the Globe Jamil Salmi 4-5 PDF Two Cheers...
Debate sobre costo de la educación superior y gratuidad
Free exchange Terminal degrees The meaning of a debate about the cost of higher education In many ways the flood of bold, progressive policy proposals coursing across America’s political landscape began in 2015, when Bernie Sanders, an independent senator from...
Brasil, educación Superior
As Universidades Brasileiras, a OCDE e o Processo de Bologna By Simon on Jul 12, 2019 07:52 am (Publicado no jornal O Estado de São Paulo, 12 de julho de 2019) O objetivo do ingresso do Brasil na Organização para a Cooperação Econômica e Desenvolvimento, OCDE, é fazer...
Apuntes para una topografía de las ideologías de izquierda
Publicado el 03 de julio, 2019 José Joaquín Brunner: Apuntes para una topografía de las ideologías de izquierda Contra toda previsión, el principal legado de las izquierdas del siglo XX al nuevo siglo fue la socialdemocracia (SD) y el Estado de bienestar y no las...
Tres viñetas sobre reforma de la educación superior en Holanda
Dutch consider breaking university selection ‘taboo’ The country’s increasingly similar universities also need to be forced to specialise, argues government advisory body June 26, 2019 By David Matthew The Netherlands is mulling bringing in widespread student...
Dosier: Posmodernismo y las humanidades
The Birth, Death, and Rebirth of Postmodernism No other idea from the humanities had so massive, if murky, an influence. What was Postmodernism? In the 35 years since Fredric Jameson’s New Left Review essay “Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism” —...
Supercampus europeos
Seleccionadas 11 universidades españolas para los ‘supercampus’ europeos Los alumnos podrán cursar el grado entre distintos países sin convalidaciones y los centros intercambiarán investigadores y personal de administración ELISA SILIÓ ÁLVARO SÁNCHE Madrid /...
Nuevo Boletín International Higher Education
PUBLISHED: 2019-06-05 FULL ISSUE Full Issue PDF INTERNATIONAL ISSUES AND TRENDS Connectivity of National Systems of Higher Education: Evidence from the U21 Rankings Ross Williams 2-3 PDF Higher Education Equity Policies across the Globe Jamil Salmi 4-5 PDF Two...
Reporte sobre educación superior en Gran Bretaña
That Augar Report May 31st, 2019 - Alex Usher If you pay attention to UK higher education, you will know that yesterday the long-awaited Augar Report (technically, the Post-18 Review of Education and Funding: Independent Panel Report, but its usually named after its...
La crisis de comunicación en las ciencias
Mapping (but not solving) the science communication crisis Philip G Altbach and Hans de Wit 11 December 2024...
¿Cogobierno en la educación chilena? La contrarreforma conservadora “interviene” la política educativa pública desde el presupuesto 2025
¿Cogobierno en la educación chilena? La contrarreforma conservadora “interviene” la política educativa pública desde...
¿Hay politización en las universidades on es un espejismo?
Breve entrevista del diario El Mercurio del día 21 de diciembre de 2024 —¿Cómo considera que se forjó el prestigio de...
IA como predictora de experimentos científicos
LLMs outclass humans at predicting neuroscience results Nathan M Greenfield 10 December 2024 Large language models...