Liberté, egalité, autonomie: Do French universities want more freedom? Despite incremental reforms throughout Emmanuel Macron’s first term as president, France still has one of the most centralised higher education systems in Europe. As the election looms, Ben Upton...
Futuro de las universidad rusas
Universities in Russia face a dramatic turning point John Aubrey Douglass and Igor Chirikov 31 March 2022 The invasion and brutal attack by Russian forces on Ukraine has brought tremendous suffering to millions of Ukrainians, including those in the higher education...
Alemania y académicos y estudiantes de Ucrania
GERMANY-UKRAINE Germany to host 100,000 Ukrainian academics and students Michael Gardner 01 April 2022 Joybrato Mukherjee, president of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), has visited Poland to discuss how Germany’s eastern neighbour is supporting...
Francia: ¿reformas de ser elegido Macron?
French universities eye ‘disruptive project’ if Macron re-elected Current administration has pushed through important reforms, but reorganising a complex sector around universities will be a tougher sell February 24, 2022 Universities are confident a re-elected...
Financiamiento según empleabilidad de los graduados
Should graduate employment data be used to decide course funding? Amid concern on graduate employment in Westminster and across West, looking at funding systems that put labour market demand at centre is instructive November 18, 2021 John Morgan By the numbers? Some...
¿Hacia un CV narrativo para los investigadores?
Research intelligence: how to write a compelling narrative CV With ‘storytelling’ CVs becoming crucial in hiring and funding decisions, Jack Grove explores how academics can craft compelling research statements August 3, 2021 Jack Grove Securing a first-authored paper...
Inglaterra: Financiamiento de las artes sigue en declinación
Funding cuts to go ahead for university arts courses in England despite opposition Education secretary Gavin Williamson says money will be put towards Stem and medicine courses The education secretary, Gavin Williamson. Arts groups have warned cuts would affect the...
Promoción en la carrear académica
Opacity and double standards are infuriating, but the blessings of an academic career are present at all ranks July 14, 2021 Adrian Furnham Promotion in academia has always been a rather opaque process that elicits deep emotions – mostly negative.Not that promotion is...
Exámenes a la salida de la enseñanza media: Brasil
ENEM: avaliação ou seleção? By Simon on Jul 09, 2021 11:43 am (Publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 9 de julho de 2021) Em 2022 entra em vigor o novo ensino médio, com a possibilidade de os estudantes optarem por diversas áreas de formação e também por cursos...
Financiamiento universidades en Inglaterra
Ministers to overhaul university funding after long consultation Exclusive: tuition-fee cuts, cap on student numbers and minimum entry requirements under consideration Richard Adams Education editor Fri 9 Jul 2021 12.16 BST Ministers are to pave the way for an...
PAES: una radiografía de la educación y el país
PAES: una radiografía de la educación y el país 08.01.2025 Por José Joaquín Brunner El autor de esta columna escrita...
MINEDUC: principales medidas desarrolladas en Educación el 2024
Revista de Educación dedica edición especial a las principales medidas desarrolladas en Educación el 2024 Este 2024...
España: Gobernanza universitaria y financiación
Gobernanza universitaria y financiación La LOSU, como sus predecesoras, también contradice el mantra de los consejos...
La Complutense ordena un recorte
La Complutense ordena un recorte del 35% en los gastos de sus facultades y vicerrectorados El centro educativo...