Subject Ranking 2015-2016: social sciences top 100 The triumph of the US and the UK in the Times Higher Education subject ranking for social sciences sends a “powerful warning” to policymakers to “tinker” with funding “at your peril”. That is the view of James...
¿Cuánto contribuyen en el mundo los colegios a la desigualdad?
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Are the world’s schools making inequality worse? by William Schmidt Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University The answer appears to be yes. Schooling plays a surprisingly large role in short-changing the most economically...
Alex Usher sobre juntas directivas de universidades
Boards of Governors Posted on September 23, 2015 by Alex Usher So, thanks to UBC, everyone wants to talk about Boards of Governors these days. How they’re not transparent enough, how they’re not representative enough, etc. What should we make of these claims? On the...
Gobierno Obama e información en la educación superior
Obama administration unveils College Scorecard to praise and criticism By Tara García Mathewson | Education Dive, September 14, 2015 Dive Brief: President Obama’s College Scorecard, a shadow of the college rating system he first proposed, went live late Friday with...
Sobre aranceles, su rebaja y desaparición
An Argument About the Effects of Tuition Reductions Posted on September 16, 2015 by Alex Usher At various times in the past (here, here, and here, for example), I have made the argument that lowering tuition fees is regressive because the benefits will accrue to...
¿Universidades o sistemas de clase mundial?
Presentación usada para la Conferencia "¿Universidades o sistemas de clase mundial?", realizada durante la Ceremonia de Incorporación de J J Brunner como Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad Ricardo Palma de Perú, Lima, 14 de septiembre de 2015. Bajar la...
La gratuidad no va a solucionar el problema de la discriminación social
“La gratuidad no va a solucionar el problema de la discriminación social” Jamil Salmi, uno de los consultores de educación superior más reconocidos del mundo, plantea que los cambios al sistema universitario pueden terminar favoreciendo a las capas más altas de la...
Learning Policy Institute
NEW NATIONAL EDUCATION THINK TANK TO FOCUS ON LEARNING “Learning Policy Institute” to bridge research and policy; respond to “New Moment” Palo Alto, CA — A new national education think tank – the Learning Policy Institute – is being announced today. Its...
Boletin International Higher Education, Otoño 2015
Philip G. Altbach, Editor Hans de Wit and Laura E. Rumbley, Associate Editors International Higher Education No 82: Fall 2015 Table of Contents Full Issue --------...
EEUU: Estado de situación de la educación superior con fines de lucro
Reshaping the For-Profit July 15, 2015 By Ashley A. Smith The large for-profit college chain isn't dead. Stop the funeral dirges -- or celebratory hymns, depending on where you fall on the political spectrum. Yes, Corinthian Colleges hit bust. Yes, ITT Education...
Financiamiento: Educación superior en la encrucijada
Educación superior en la encrucijada Cuando se habla de diversidad y se defiende esta consigna, eso debe ser integral....
La larga sombra del origen socioeconómico en el estrellato de las ciencias
Inequality in Science: Who Becomes a Star? Anna Airoldi & Petra Moser Working Paper 33063 DOI 10.3386/w33063 Issue...
Aprender a hacer
Aprender a hacer ''Saber hacer, el famoso know how , es el último de los cuatro pilares de la educación —junto al...
En torno a la tragedia del INBA
Harald Beyer por INBA: “El abandono de la disciplina y la falta de liderazgo han llevado a la crisis en los liceos...