“La gratuidad no va a solucionar el problema de la discriminación social” Jamil Salmi, uno de los consultores de educación superior más reconocidos del mundo, plantea que los cambios al sistema universitario pueden terminar favoreciendo a las capas más altas de la...
Learning Policy Institute
NEW NATIONAL EDUCATION THINK TANK TO FOCUS ON LEARNING “Learning Policy Institute” to bridge research and policy; respond to “New Moment” Palo Alto, CA — A new national education think tank – the Learning Policy Institute – is being announced today. Its...
Boletin International Higher Education, Otoño 2015
Philip G. Altbach, Editor Hans de Wit and Laura E. Rumbley, Associate Editors http://ejournals.bc.edu/ojs/index.php/ihe. International Higher Education No 82: Fall 2015 Table of Contents http://ejournals.bc.edu/ojs/index.php/ihe/issue/view/866 Full Issue --------...
EEUU: Estado de situación de la educación superior con fines de lucro
Reshaping the For-Profit July 15, 2015 By Ashley A. Smith The large for-profit college chain isn't dead. Stop the funeral dirges -- or celebratory hymns, depending on where you fall on the political spectrum. Yes, Corinthian Colleges hit bust. Yes, ITT Education...
La formación de élites
Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs, by Lauren A. Rivera Book of the week: To become a Master of the Universe, you must work hard but play harder, finds Angelia Wilson July 16 2015 By Angelia R. Wilson Remember Brantley Foster and Tess McGill? Two of the most...
Criterios para provisión de educación superior internacional
- eCampus News - http://www.ecampusnews.com - 7 principles to guide international quality in higher ed Posted By Ronald Bethke On July 16, 2015 @ 12:48 pm In Campus Administration,Featured on eCampus News,International,Resource,Top News | No Comments As...
EEUU: Programas de estudio por competencias
Defining Competency Paul Fain, June 17, 2015 The U.S. Department of Education and regional accreditors are closer to being on the same page about competency-based education. Earlier this month the Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions, which represents the seven...
¿Necesitamos tantos científicos?
¿Necesitamos tantos científicos? El avance de la tecnología hace que EE UU se plantee la recuperación de las humanidades y el arte en su sistema educativo CRISTINA F. PEREDA Washington , El País, 10 MAY 2015 - 20:17 CEST El MIT exige que un cuarto de las asignaturas...
Educación superior y crecimiento económico: Una visión realista
The Economic Growth Imperative Posted on May 8, 2015 by Alex Usher A quick note: the OTTSYD will be on brief hiatus next week, as I’ll be in Japan and won’t have regular access to my computer. Not to worry, though, we’ll pick back up on the 18th. Anyways: I was asked...
EEUU: Financiamiento de instituciones altamente selectivas
Vassar president: Institutions must reallocate for core educational missions Catharine Bond Hill says funding spent to attract high-income students exacerbates inaccessibility By Tara García Mathewson | April 24, 2015 print Vassar College has proven it is possible to...
Argentina: Evolución del financiamiento educativo
Evolución del financiamiento educativo Alejandro Morduchowicz (especialista en planeamiento y políticas educativas),...
Cumbre latinoamericana de educación superio
Cumbre latinoamericana de educación superior en la UNCUYO Diecinueve especialistas que conforman el Grupo Cartagena se...
Remuneraciones académicas, entrevista con Matilde Burgos
Exministro Brunner por salario de $17 millones de Marcela Cubillos: “Es un sueldo que se ve poco en la realidad...
Entrevista con Alejandro Repenning
Con José Joaquín Brunner conversamos sobre el CAE y más! Ver/escuchar aquí