How Google took over the classroom By Natasha Singer, May 13, 2017 CHICAGO — The sixth graders at Newton Bateman, a public elementary school here with a classic red brick facade, know the Google drill. In a social-science class last year, the students each grabbed a...
¿Qué fue de la revolución MOOC?
ESPECIAL FORMACIÓN ONLINE ¿Qué fue de la revolución MOOC? Los cursos masivos abiertos online prometían democratizar la educación superior de élite Tres años después de su estallido mutan con objetivos menos ambiciosos KARELIA VÁZQUEZ Madrid 9 OCT 2014 - 11:49 A...
Las políticas de Trump amenazan a los estudiantes internacionales
Las políticas de Trump amenazan a los estudiantes internacionales Un 38% de los alumnos extranjeros rechazan estudiar en Estados Unidos y un 45% prefiere no hacerlo en Reino Unido CARMEN SÁNCHEZ-SILVA 25 ABR 2017 - 12:07 CEST Se está fraguando un nuevo orden mundial....
Gratuidad en la educación superior de NuevaYork, ¿vale la pena?
The Cumo College Fiasco 14.04.2017 Donald Trump sets the bar very high, but the award for the worst public policy idea of the year goes to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo presides over a state with a rich diversity of educational institutions. But he also...
Trumpismo y la academia de los EEUU
The Academic Home of Trumpism By Jon Baskin MARCH 17, 2017 I arrived on the Claremont campus in search of the Straussians, but for the first hour all I could find were feminists. It was just before noon, and I was at the Motley, a student-run coffee shop and study...
Mirada desde el MIT al aprendizaje de los estudiantes
President turns MIT’s research might to study of how people learn ‘If we don’t know how we learn, how on earth do we know how to teach?’ says L. Rafael Reif, who tells Ellie Bothwell how the research giant is working to improve teaching practice March 23, 2017 By...
¿Qué hacer con el financiamiento estudiantil en EEUU?
The Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE) WORKING PAPER 16 How to solve the US’s student financing crisis Nicholas Barr, Bruce Chapman, Lorraine Dearden and Susan Dynarski In a CGHE working paper published today, researchers show that the US could solve its...
Trump y su favoritismo por charter schools
DEVOS PROMOTES SCHOOL CHOICE, LOCAL CONTROL BY MARIA DANILOVA ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON (AP) -- Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Monday sought to convince public school leaders that school choice and local control are important in education. Speaking to members of...
Trump buscará recortar programas de educación superior y C y T
Trump Seeks Deep Cuts in Education and Science Proposals would keep Pell level, but cut work-study and TRIO and eliminate SEOG. In science, president would make massive cuts to NIH and research at Energy Department. And budget formally seeks to kill NEH and...
Gobierno Trump prepara recorte presupuesto federal de educación
Trump Sharpens Budget Knife for Education Department, Sources Say By Alyson Klein on March 13, 2017 12:19 PM The Trump administration is contemplating dramatic cuts to K-12 spending, including a possible $6 billion reduction to existing programs in the U.S. Department...
Academic Management in Chilean Universities: An Analysis From Academics’ Perspective
Academic Management in Chilean Universities: An Analysis From Academics' Perspective José Joaquín Brunner | Mario...
América Latina: el costo de tener un título universitario
América Latina: el costo de tener un título universitario Victoria Dannemann, 18-10, 2024 Mientras en algunos países...
Publicaciones científicas a nivel global
Scientists around the world report millions of new discoveries every year − but this explosive research growth wasn’t...
Sexto Congreso Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Educación
Sexto Congreso Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Educación Estimadas y estimados participantes, ¡Estamos llenos...