Latin American universities ‘facing greatest crisis in decades’ Survey of academics in region finds widespread predictions of enrolment decline, budget cuts and concerns over lack of preparation for online education June 2, 2020 By Ellie Bothwell The vast majority of...
Mejor evidencia disponible sobre retorno a la escuela
Planning for School Reopening and Recovery After COVID-19 Shelby Carvalho , Jack Rossiter , Noam Angrist , Susannah Hares and Rachel Silverman MAY 29, 2020 DOWNLOAD PDF Most governments around the world have temporarily closed schools in an attempt to contain the...
¿Cómo organizamos la vuelta a la escuela?
¿Cómo organizamos la vuelta a la escuela? May 21, 2020 3.31pm EDT Mariano Fernández Enguita Catedrático de Sociología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Disclosure statement Mariano Fernández Enguita no recibe salario, ni ejerce labores de consultoría, ni posee...
La distancia social en el campus del futuro próximo
Welcome to the Socially Distanced Campus By Francie Diep and Megan Zahneis May 26, 2020 PREMIUM Son of Alan for The Chronicle Darlene M. Campo welcomed her first students back on campus at 9:15 a.m. on May 11. Excited, they all arrived on time, or even early. Campo,...
IN PANDEMUS VERITAS MAY 25, 2020 | ALEX USHER One of the most interesting things about the pandemic is the questions it raises about the price of education. Can institutions reasonably expect to charge what they normally charge, given that the quality of an...
El absurdo del neoliberalismo
"¿Qué lleva a erigir al neoliberalismo en causa y motor de la catástrofe que vivimos?". José Joaquín Brunner, 29 de mayo 2020 Atribuir la pandemia a una suerte de afinidad selectiva —una secreta asociación y resonancia— con la filosofía neoliberal y a esta los efectos...
Social Scientists on COVID-19
Social Scientists on COVID-19 What motivates people to wear masks, the effects of social isolation on children and the elderly, infection rates among the incarcerated. These are just some of the COVID-19 research topics social scientists are investigating right now....
La cuestión de los aranceles en la actual coyuntura
View as Webpage In Pandemus Veritas May 25th, 2020 - Alex Usher One of the most interesting things about the pandemic is the questions it raises about the price of education. Can institutions reasonably expect to charge what they normally charge, given that the...
Planificación universitaria frente a la crisis
‘Classic risk management tools’ helped protect the University of Tasmania, says its former management consultant boss May 19, 2020 By John Ross Consultancy contracts have been among the first expenses jettisoned as Australian universities face massive revenue...
La crisis del Covid-16 y el futuro de las universidades estatales en USA y Europa
US publics face survival battle and reconnection with local mission State institutions that survive crisis will face student influx and must prioritise ‘communities they were designed to serve’, experts say May 21, 2020 By Simon Baker Public universities in the US...
Conversatorio sobre educación en Copiapó
Kinross y Diario Chañarcillo realizaron exitosamente y con gran marco de público el V conversatorio “Educación de...
Encuentro: Educación de calidad: el gran desafío de Atacama
Kinross y Diario Chañarcillo realizarán V Conversatorio “Educación de calidad: el gran desafío de Atacama” 22/11/2024,...
Entrevista con Mirna Schindler
Entrevista con el académico José Joaquín Brunner revisamos el caso del Presidente Boric y la contingencia Mirna...
Nueva educación pública en proceso: estudios del CEP y de la UCH – Recomendaciones
CEP: Propuestas para fortalecer la arquitectura y gobernanza de la Nueva Educación Pública 14 noviembre, 2024 El...