IESALC INSTA A LOS ESTADOS A ASEGURAR EL DERECHO A LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR EN IGUALDAD DE OPORTUNIDADES ANTE EL COVID-19 En el Día Mundial de la Salud UNESCO lanza documento sobre la educación superior y el COVID-19 El cese temporal de las actividades...
Educación Online; Oportunidades y desafíos más allá de la pandemia.
Educación Online; Oportunidades y desafíos más allá de la pandemia. Leopoldo Ramírez, integrante del directorio de WSCHILE y Director Ejecutivo de Vertebral. La compleja emergencia sanitaria que atraviesa el país ha obligado a replantear varios aspectos de nuestra...
E ducación trabajo, escenarios de futuro
The Long-Term Future of Work and Education: Three Potential Scenarios By Irving Wladawsky-Berger THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, Mar 13, 2020 9:13 pm ET Every past technological transformation ultimately led to more jobs, higher living standards and economic growth. But as a...
El papel de la educación superior en la crisis social chilena
El papel de la educación superior en la crisis social chilena FEBRERO 26, 2020 José Joaquín Brunner, Revista NEXOS - México Una pregunta concita la mayor atención en la sociedad chilena, desde los salones burgueses a los comedores populares, de las oficinas públicas a...
Nuevas concepciones del PhD
The New Ph.D. Momentum grows to rewrite the rules of graduate training By Marc Parry February 16, 2020 PREMIUM (c) Meg Berkobien couldn’t do it anymore. She’d finished about three-quarters of a doctoral dissertation in comparative literature. Her advisers at the...
Revista Higher Learning
Home > JOURNALS > HLRC Follow HLRC is an open-access journal with an international focus published by Walden University. It is indexed in Scopus and is listed in other indexes and abstracting services. Its aim is to disseminate both high-quality research and...
DIRECTIVOS universitarios de EEUU frente a desafíos del 2020
BRIEF 7 college presidents share their biggest challenges for 2020 We checked in with the execs who contributed columns for last year's President Speaks series to ask what hurdles they expect on their campus this year. Credit: Fotolia By Education Dive Staff Published...
Alex Usher frente a la 4ª Revolución
View as Webpage Where Are All the Job-Killing Robots? January 22nd 2020 - Alex Usher It’s Davos time, when we get to find out what the world’s power elite would like everyone else to freak out about for the next twelve months. What is happening this year? The theme...
Jornada laboral académica
WORKING HOURS JANUARY 29, 2020 | ALEX USHER I was intrigued to read this story in the Times Higher Education about Dutch academics complaining about having to work “structural unpaid overtime” of 12-15 hours per week, which this report says is 36% above their regular...
Educación superior en el Asia
View as Webpage Silliness About Asian Higher Education January 21st 2020 - Alex Usher For the last decade or so, “the rise of Asia” has been a common refrain. It alludes to the region’s economic rise (which is undeniable) but then goes on to equate the region’s higher...
Páginas de Educación, Vol. 17(2) publicado
Nuevo número 17(2) publicado 2024-12-03 Tenemos el gusto de informarles que se encuentra disponible online un nuevo...
Rectora UCH sobre temas de actualidad
Rosa Devés: “La educación superior chilena debe salir de la lógica de la competencia” Polo Ramírez 9 dic 2024 06:31 PM...
La PAES y el mérito
La PAES y el mérito “La PAES revela cada año y sin excepción las contradicciones de una sociedad que necesita creer en...
Pilar Romaguera: Chile destaca en Ranking QS América Latina 2025
Chile destaca en Ranking QS América Latina 2025 Noviembre 27, 2024 Posted by: Pilar Romaguera Pilar Romaguera....