OfS publishes plans to punish English universities for poor value for money Tens of thousands of students are enrolled at institutions that could fail to meet new minimum standards Richard Adams Education editor Thu 20 Jan 2022 06.00 GMT Tens of thousands of students...
Mónica Brevis: Avances en la FTP
FORMACIÓN TÉCNICO PROFESIONAL Avances en la modernización de la Formación Técnico Profesional Mónica Brevis Saldaño, Jefa División Educación Superior Técnico Profesional, Ministerio de Educación, el 27 de diciembre de 2021 - 18:09 hrs. Como país, hoy estamos viviendo...
Prestamos estudiantiles en Inglaterra
Sector awaits key details on scheme requiring ‘complete remake of student finance system’ and likely to face Treasury scepticism December 23, 2021 John Morgan England’s planned new lifelong loans are seen by government as a way to “divert demand” away from degrees...
Tuning Journal for Higher Education
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): New realities, new challenges: Future proofing? Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): New realities, new challenges: Future proofing? DOI: https://doi.org/10.18543/tjhe-9(1)-2021 Published: 2021-11-26 Full Issue PDF Editorial Editorial Mary Gobbi 13-15 PDF...
Financiamiento según empleabilidad de los graduados
Should graduate employment data be used to decide course funding? Amid concern on graduate employment in Westminster and across West, looking at funding systems that put labour market demand at centre is instructive November 18, 2021 John Morgan By the numbers? Some...
Community College en USA: Dificultades de la pospandemia
‘How Do We Rebuild?’ Community colleges try to claw their way back. By Lee Gardner NOVEMBER 10, 2021 When schools in Shelby County, Tenn., reopened in March for the first time since the pandemic began, Shanita Brown was optimistic. With Memphis’s children ending...
JJ León: Nuevos criterios y estándares para Educación Superior Técnico-Profesional
Nuevos criterios y estándares para Educación Superior Técnico-Profesional José Julio León, el 02 de noviembre de 2021 - 22:24 hrs. La calidad de la educación superior es un concepto controvertido. Se la puede entender como excelencia; perfección; consistencia con...
El futuro del trabajo
The big idea: should we work less? A shorter working week could benefit society, the environment - even the economy. Is it time to reassess our relationship with our jobs? Sarah Jaffe Mon 11 Oct 2021 08.00 BST For the last year and a half, most people have fallen into...
Nuevo paradigma económico
A New Global Economic Consensus Oct 13, 2021MARIANA MAZZUCATO Now that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the deficiencies of economic deregulation and market liberalization, a new policymaking paradigm is emerging. But its success depends on concrete reforms and...
¿Universidades frente a una nueva guerra fría?
How would universities fare in a new Cold War? EUA report imagining scenarios for 2030 also paints picture of higher education being squeezed by markets and authoritarianism October 4, 2021 What is the future for international university cooperation if relations...
Universidades en Francia
Thierry Coulhon: France’s mega-universities ‘had to happen’ Former Macron adviser, president of leading engineering...
Colombia: Deuda estudiantil
“No queremos jóvenes endeudados hasta el cuello”: Mineducación reformará el Icetex El ministro de Educación, Daniel...
Director de Nueva Educación Pública: visión y propósitos
La Nueva Educación Pública avanza y funciona El objetivo es consolidar un sistema educativo armónico y eficiente que...
Currículos 19 países de América Latina y El Caribe durante la COVID-19
Nuevo Foco en Educación: Análisis a los currículos de 19 países de América Latina y El Caribe durante la COVID-19:...