
Retorno “Paso a Paso” en educación superior

Retorno “Paso a Paso” en educación superior 23 JUL 2020 08:45 AM Por José Julio León, vicerrector de Desarrollo y Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Universidad Santo Tomás; y Fernanda Valdés, directora de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Universidad de los Andes /...

Tendencias en la educación terciaria – EE.UU.

Five trends postsecondary education leaders need to watch this fall Strada Education Network As some college campuses start welcoming students back to campus this fall, the effects of COVID-19 on Americans’ plans and expectations for their education will be important...

El dilema de los aranceles en la pandemia

Colleges Face a No-Win Dilemma: To Cut or Not to Cut Tuition? By Lee Gardner JULY 13, 2020  PREMIUM Amid all the uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic for higher education, two things are becoming clear. Most students yearn to come back to campus in the fall, in spite...

Revista Alteridad, nuevo número

DOI: 10.17163/alt.v15n2 Publicado: 2020-06-30 NÚMERO COMPLETO Download full issue PDF PDF EDITORIAL Editorial Ana Rosa Arias-Gago,Ángel Pérez-Pueyo,Alberto Moreno-Doña,David Hortigüela-Alcalá,Jaime Padilla Abstract  54 | PDF Downloads  49  PDF  Page 141-143 SECCIÓN...

Colegios en tiempos de cuarentena

Learn today, earn tomorrow School closures in poor countries could be devastating And governments are bungling their response InternationalJul 18th 2020 edition Jul 18th 2020 JOHANNESBURG, PARIS AND SÃO PAULO Editor’s note: Some of our covid-19 coverage is free for...